
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Glen Turner: Gang member, Cat Hater

Ripped from the headlines:
MARCUS HOOK — Glenn J. Turner is a convicted drug dealer and attempted cop killer who was once tagged as one of the “most vicious and violent” motorcycle gang members in the country.

Could it be that Turner, a former reputed vice president of the Pagans who was charged Monday with killing or maiming domestic animals — namely, his son’s two cats — was driven by his love for his ailing Doberman pinscher, Nunya?
Q. And he is out of jail, why?

A. It's Nunya business


  1. Gil,
    This is just not a killing of his sons pets. Those pets (2 kittens)approx. 1 1/2 yrs old were the grandkids pets. The girls loved them so much. What a loss to the family. Note: The unthinkable: A grandparent did this.....Be ashamed of yourself Glenn. Your dispicable. Hide from us and your family your not welcome in Hook or anywhere in the delaware county. Move on. Your son has shown you that your antics are not welcome and neither are you. Let your grandkids mourn thier loss without seeing the face that did this to thier babies. Rott in hell. Love you turner kids. Love from your feline friend in Hook.

  2. ..How would you feel if someone came into your house and have your child the thing you love most in the world get a disease from a fucken cat,,.I'm sorry I'm don't.have kids and my.dogs are my kids and I would have done the same,, he lost a piece of his heart ,, because of wreckless felines that are not trained .. You people need to look at both sides not just the cats ,, but the cats who killed his dog and hurt his wife that had to go to the hospital who killed his heart his dog ,, mans best friend, don't judge until you feel his pain !!! I can't even imagine if I lost my dog because of a dirty cat !! I feel you pain friend!!! Sorry for your loss xo

  3. ..How would you feel if someone came into your house and have your child the thing you love most in the world get a disease from a fucken cat,,.I'm sorry I'm don't.have kids and my.dogs are my kids and I would have done the same,, he lost a piece of his heart ,, because of wreckless felines that are not trained .. You people need to look at both sides not just the cats ,, but the cats who killed his dog and hurt his wife that had to go to the hospital who killed his heart his dog ,, mans best friend, don't judge until you feel his pain !!! I can't even imagine if I lost my dog because of a dirty cat !! I feel you pain friend!!! Sorry for your loss thoughts are with you mr. turner and just know there are someone out there that stands up for what you did,, at least you gave them a quick death not painful like your poor dog did,, and what if those cats scratched some kids and they died he would be a hero !!

  4. Another thing you people are calling him a cat hater,,, what about a dog lover

  5. After reading this article I realized something you keep bringing up his past,, dident he serve his timeand pay his debt to society,, you bring up him being a biker what about if he was gay would you be be making such an issue about that ,, to me it seems like that extra information about his history is irrelevant or his lifestyle does not have to be published,, what does it make your story more news worthy ,, don't judge a book by the cover

  6. Owning up to the Oct.18 post: I wrote this cause the kids were the ones that matter. Not the adults.
    I love dogs. More than cats. BUT:::
    This dog did not live there. Glenn should have never left it at his sons house, period. Dogs will chase cats and try to harm them if they had the chance. Cats use what they have to protect themselves. This was an unfortunate accident on the part of the person whom let the dog in to accomidate the nuisence of its barking. I am sure they did not expect the outcome. But you sure as shit don't go back for the animal that did this to his buddy. What that is called is "RETALLIATION" which never solves anything. Just brings additional hurt and hate from all those involved. Did the dog come back, no...did the cats learn thier lesson, no. This is the circle of life w/ animals and when people step into the mix, things get way out of hand. Now we have hurt and fear coming from innocent kids who don't understand why this happened. Why did my granddad do this? Shame on you turner...I hope you learn from this. I am truely sorry for your loss but you should know better as being the elder and grandpa to these kids. I hope time mends all wounds and you find away to make it right for the kids sake. I am truely a dog lover. This is not about a disease of a cat or dog. Whom is to blame for the disease? Do we know which of the animals had it. NO. This is about a a cold blooded killing of kittens by the hands of a MAN HURT. NOT ACCEPTABLE. Note: I am not judging him by his past. But the past keeps coming back to him
    "RETALLIATION" IS IN HIS BLOOD. Make it right Mr.Turner w/ your G.Kids. I am a certified dog lover and am an all around animal lover. PERIOD.

  7. Innocent until proven guilty,, your not judge or jury ,,

  8. Fuck those assumptions about Mr.Glen he is a significant Man. People comment on a story that wasn't completed. SUCK A BAG OF DICKS

  9. Just wondering if Glenn is still alive or a member of family. Personal reasons.

  10. Glen is a very respected man. Glad i can say i know him.

  11. Glenn will always be a member of Marcus hook and a very respectable individual..

  12. So I was told Glenn passed away

  13. Replies
    1. Wow sorry 2 the family and friends 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  14. Sounds like an asshole to me.
