
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Naomi Klein's Crisis of Credibility

Can Naomi "The Schlock Doctrine" Klein count?
If there is one thing I know, it's that the 1% loves a crisis. When people are panicked and desperate, that is the ideal time to push through their wishlist of pro-corporate policies: privatising education and social security, slashing public services, getting rid of the last constraints on corporate power. Amidst the economic crisis, this is happening the world over.

There is only one thing that can block this tactic, and fortunately, it's a very big thing: the 99%. And that 99% is taking to the streets from Madison to Madrid to say: "No. We will not pay for your crisis."
Unless 310,000,000 people took to the streets the other day, Ms. Klein's 99 percent is somewhat exaggerated.

By the way, why would the top one percent "love" a crisis? I know, I know, she explains it all in her book, but who outside the dumbest, most ill-educated leftest actually buys into any of that crap?

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