
Monday, November 28, 2011

'Blacks Boycott Moonbat Hootenanny'

Walter Russell Mead on the relative absence of black people from the Occupy movement protests.

The media took great notice of the dearth of black faces at Tea Party events. But for some reason, black apathy to a left-wing populist movement is no cause for media concern.
An observer from Mars would find this confusing. Noting that the overwhelming majority of American Blacks vote for liberal and left wing candidates, the Man from Mars would expect exiguous Black turnout at right wing demonstrations and on the other hand predict substantial Black support for left wing events. More, the Martian would note that while many Tea Party protests took place in suburbs far from the homes of inner city Blacks, OWS protests are more conveniently located in urban areas with large Black populations. To a Martian, “Blacks Skip Remote Wingnut Shoutfest” is not news, while “Blacks Boycott Nearby Moonbat Hootenanny” is.

Apparently while blacks make up 12.6 percent of the population they don't make up part of the 99 percent, as defined by a bunch of white, middle and upper middle-class hippies.

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