
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cain Accuser Wants Cake and to Eat It Too!

A Cain accuser wants to come forward to tell her story but, says her lawyer, she is prevented by the confidentially agreeement.
One of the women who accused GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain of sexual harassment wants to tell her side of the story but is barred by a confidentiality agreement, her attorney in Washington said Tuesday.

Lawyer Joel P. Bennett called on the National Restaurant Association, where the woman and Cain worked in the late 1990s, to release the woman from her written promise not to talk about the allegations or disparage the trade group.

“It is just frustrating that Herman Cain is going around bad-mouthing the two complainants, and my client is blocked by a confidentiality agreement,” Bennett said. “The National Restaurant Association ought to release them and allow them to respond.”
Bennett is right. The woman should speak. And as long as she's willing to return the "five-figure" cash payout she took after making her accusation, she can.

She'd certainly have a lot more credibilty if she did. And a deal's a deal.

UPDATE: Here's an idea: The owners of the website Politico, whose reporters broke the story, should offer to make the woman financially whole for her to tell her story so the public can decide for itself whether there is any merit to her allegation.


  1. Maybe if she asked Cain personally, he would give her permission. After all, the incident was so benign that Cain couldn't even remember it. At first. But hey, Cain didn't even know there was a settlement, so maybe it won't matter to him....wait! Cain just remembered..
    some sort of settlement agreement..
    Did he have amnesia? My question is, did Cain's comments about this situation negate the agreement? So what does Cain do? He goes on TV and Sings Amazing Grace!

    Gil, I told you his campaign was a joke.

  2. Cain's and his campaign's handling of this situation has been amateurish at best. They knew this was coming and they should have had a response ready.

    But then Bill Clinton didn't handle the Monica Lewinsky thing very well at the beginning either.

    I very much doubted Cain would win the GOP nomination but this story hurts the credibility of the media more than it hurts Cain. It's perceived correctly as a low blow and sketchily sourced.

  3. Mr. Cain has lost a lot of his credibility with his inconsistent statements. To that, Bob is not off base (for once). And Spencerblog is right on point that Cain's handling of the accusations has not been good. But, thankfully, Mr. Cain's 9-9-9 plan will now be history. Can you imagine paying a total 15% sales tax on your next car purchase? Can you imagine paying an additional 9% on your next purchase of paper towels? Or whatever is now taxable by the good Commonwealth? It is entirely conceivable that Mr. Cain was the subject of a so-called High Tech Lynching. But he sure has not helped his case by being so equivocal about his recollection about things he sure as hell should have remembered very clearly...

  4. Gil - It's like watching Bob Roberts. Or a train wreck. BTW, how does this hurt the credibility of the media? Because it's a black, conservative, Republican on the recieving end?

    e pluribus unum

  5. Anon - Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

  6. You are very welcome, Bob... I'm always happy to be supportive of a fellow Spencerblogger. And I continue to hope that somehow, someday, someway you will see the light.. I know that for you it is a tedious journey from the dark side but please know that I am here to welcome you when you complete the task...

  7. But I won't recognize you because you remain..Anonymous.

  8. I have it on good authority, that Cain was pointing to his crotch while screaming "9, 9, 9"
