
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

De-Occupied Philly

As predicted in Tuesday's Daily Times editorial, the Nutter Administration cleared Dilworth Plaza of tents and squatters early this morning. The eviction began at just after 1 a.m. No less than three police warnings were given for people to clear out and take their stuff with them. There were a few skirmishes and a few dozen arrests but no serious injuries.

In all, city officials and the police seemed to have handled the eviction smartly and professionally. has a good account of the action here.

UPDATE: Nick Shultz explains the origins of the growing income disparity in the U.S.

One is our open borders that allow millions of undocumented workers to flood the labor market, which creates downward pressure on low-skilled labor wages. Also globalization and free trade, which while lifting tens of millions of people out of poverty world-wide, also contributes to American job loss and stagnate middle-class incomes. Add in the fact, that our federal government has borrowed and promised itself to the point of virtual bankruptcy and it becomes evident there are no easy solutions to our problems.

Railing against the wealthy and taxing them more may feel good but it will do nothing to help American's middle-class and the problem of too few jobs being created by our economy.

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