This Black Friday stuff is for the birds. Waiting in line at 5 a.m. to buy a bunch of crap you could purchase online for the same price, is simply looney.
But then I feel the same way about going to Eagles games.
And Occupy Wall Street protests. I'm too old for such parties. At least with Black Friday it only lasts a few hours, once a year.
I keep wishing that Black Friday would go the way of Occupy Wall Street... That is: Just go away. Any reasonable person would have to understand that the hype about Black Friday is merely a TV media creation... They get a lot of footage by showing the slobs camping out waiting for the stores to open to offer their deeply discounted prices to only a select number of people... The pepper spray incident makes it all come into perspective... Hopefully in my remaining years both OWS and Black Friday will be things of the past...