
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Media Veterans Parade

(Posted by Dannytheman)

Vice President Biden and his wife, Jill, will be the guests of honor at the annual, wonderful, Veterans Day parade in Media Borough, Delaware County, Pa.
I have to admit out loud, I am extremely disappointed. I probably should fall in line and accept this visit as a great honor. The Vice President of the United States will come and speak at our local Veterans parade.
But I can't seem to get that feeling. Now many of you might say it has to do with my political leanings, and I can not deny I am right of center. But I sat on this and dwelled on these feelings overnight and decided I would put my thoughts out there. Would it be a huge honor to Veterans to have the Vice President here?  Or would it be a political visit in a serious swing State ahead of a tough 2012 election season? I am a proud United States Coast Guard Veteran and I say that while recognizing that my proud history of Search and Rescue is nothing compared to what combat Vets live through. I hope that all Veterans chime in and agree with me, correct me, or school me on my heavily undiagnosed A.D.D. writings.

First, let's start with Vice President Biden's military history. That was simple. He has none. Actually what he has are 5 draft deferments while he got educated. Then when those deferments ran out he received a medical deferment for a serious asthma issue. I found it incredible that in his own bio he mentions being a stand out star playing football and also baseball. Guess his asthma hit him later in life. So another Vet might tell me that VP Biden has supported Veterans and done great things as a elected official, representing the teeny-tiny State of Delaware. Please post those below for me to review in the reply section below.

Secondly, why would Media Borough get the approval of such a visit?  The Mayor, Bob McMahon, is a a decorated Vietnam Veteran that I have incredible respect for. He spearheaded a Veterans memorial in Media and took this parade and made it better! Media Boroughs Tax Collector and Veterans Legacy Project Executive Director Bob Dimond worked with a contingent group of Pennsylvania officials to bring the Vice President here. What I see missing here is where were the Veterans, besides Bob and Bob, deciding who they would like to be guest speaker? To add clarity, and meaning no disrespect, I should mention here that Bob McMahon and Bob Dimond are democrats. Understand also, I am not starting any conspiracy, I am just disappointed with the way the Veterans Day Parade has turned.
Congratulations to my democratic brothers, you have brought fleeting notoriety to your town, and shame to what I think is a majority of fellow Veterans.

Thirdly, now our Congressman Pat Meehan, a republican and who also is not a *Veteran, has jumped onto the Vice Presidents visit and is asking him to tour the oil refineries in Trainer and Marcus Hook. How about on Saturday, Pat, leave our day alone!
(*For the record, the draft had ended before Pat was eligible)

Gentleman and ladies, the Veterans Parade is about United States Military Veterans, not about votes, "Swing States", dignitaries or the oil refineries.
We must never lose sight of that fact, and we can never use a Veterans service and sacrifice to gain anything. It is a solemn moment in time to remember, appreciate and reflect on the incredible service of a small few. Never be shy in thanking a Veteran. If you come to this great parade, you will see Veterans looking into each others eyes, and they will give a distinctive head nod to one another, but don't blink or you will miss it. Younger Veterans will reach out to their older brothers and thank them profusely. Watch for the mutual respect and knowledge of the information that they share, some never to be spoken. Only then can you understand. Hopefully you can ignore the speakers and dignitaries and see this parade for what it truly can be/is about.


  1. Danny - If it was the President himself, you'd stil be complaining.
    Who would you prefer? Limbaugh? Beck? O'Reiley? Hannity? Feith? Wolfowitz? Pearl? Romney? Gingrich? How about Dick Cheney? Better yet, George W. Bush. Maybe he could explain to the veterans why it was so important for the US to invade a sovereign nation at the cost of 4486 American lives.
    You are right about one thing Danny. The Veterans Day parade is about the United States Military Veterans. So why are you trying to make it a political issue?

  2. Hi Bob- I actually wrote this in the piece, but I backed it out. I would have not complained one little bit if the Commander in Chief, President Obama was here. I respect him for that title, as any good soldier/sailor would. Vice President Biden does not hold that title, so I look at him different.

    I applauded when Gov. Ridge was the special guest, I applauded when Tim Russert was the guest, Harry Kallas was a guest. I remember so many guests. I would have liked to see Cecily Tynan instead of VP Biden.

    To answer your question, I think VP Biden being there, and Meehan asking him to tour the oil refineries makes it political. I just called like I saw it.

    As to US invading a rogue nation, I say the same as always, Freedom is not Free!

  3. Danny - Are you talking about the same rogue nation that we supplied and propped up during the Iran Iraq War? Remember those lovely photo ops with Saddam and Rumsfeld? If not, here you go - I know, I know. Despite international recognition, and the legal definition, Republicans, conservatives, Gil Spencer, and supporters of the invasion and occupation of Iraq still refuse to acknowlege that Iraq was a sovereign nation. Not much I can do about that is there? I'm surprised we agree on Tim Russert. He was the best. But then he wasn't in the military either. And if you get the chance, watch the PBS documentary "Buying the War" You will see that, for the most part, Russert felt the same way that I do about the invasion of Iraq. I'm thinking this is just about Danny not liking Joe.

  4. I have no problem with the VP coming and speaking at the Veterans Day Parade. As long as he's there to honor veterans there's nothing wrong with it at all.

    A little good faith is in order here. Biden, for whatever his political shortcomings are, is a fellow American who I have no doubt respects our veterans.

    I fully expect him to keep political comments out of his remarks.

    And there is nothing wrong with him taking a tour the refineries either.

    The more attention those properties get, the better.

  5. While I agree with Danny that the timing of Vice President Biden being the speaker at the ceremony smacks of political opportunism, I also agree with Spencerblog that if he keeps his remarks on point to the occasion and does not turn it into a political opportunity it is acceptable... Let's just hope that the ever glib and oft off script Joe we know so well will remember why he is in Media and stay in line for a change... Plus: Kudos to Mr. Meehan for using the Vice President's visit as a chance to get attention at the highest level of the Executive Branch on the plight of the refineries and the communities that will be severely affected if the closures become a reality. Mr. Meehan is working in the best interest of his constituents. Danny, I know your comments were heartfelt and as a fellow veteran I share your concern about politicizing this great event. Only time will tell if it is truly an apolitical celebration of service or if it becomes another campaign event...

  6. Danny,

    You obviously struggled with your negative reaction to VP Biden. As patriotic Americans, we've all been taught to respect the office, no matter our feelings about the office-holder.

    But I think you are right. Joe Biden will be a distraction from the fundamental purpose of Veteran's Day -- to proudly honor our veterans.

    If we have learned anything about the Obama Administration in the the past 3 plus years, it's that these guys are incredibly arrogant and think the world revolves around them. Demanding respect for the office is just another tool in their cynical bag of tricks, along with crying racism, posturing for civility and inciting class envy.

    This event will degenerate into just another Obama re-election photo-op. If you have any doubt, just remember that sickening memorial service after the Arizona shootings they turned into a campaign pep rally. Forget the victims -- everything had to be about them. Obama and Biden have no shame.

  7. Funny how not one of you have mentioned that Bidens son did a tour in Iraq. I'm pretty sure Vice President Biden respects those who have served. He has good reason to.

  8. I don't mind him showing up, however, if he inspires these bats**t Liberals in Media Borough to get even more ridiculous than they already are, I will be quite cross.

  9. I didn't know that VP Biden's son served in Iraq. In that case, maybe we have time to have him be the Special Guest. I would salute a fellow Veteran!
    I didn't vote for Sestak, but I respected him for being Admiral. I though maybe he would be the special guest this year! I mean he has the time now.

  10. Dan - Thats OK. I didn't vote for Toomey, but if he does a good job, I'll vote for him next time around.
    As far as Pat Meehan goes, I think Weldon would have done the same thing. I didn't always agree with Weldon, but more often than not, he got my vote because of 2 things. He always fought for jobs in Delco., and he was tough on organized crime in the Hook.
