
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A New Look On An Old Button

(Posted by Dannytheman)

Should I wear this next Tuesday on Election day? Or would I be tipping my hand?
Remember to VOTE, Folks.


  1. As the Republican slug fest continues, this Obama guy is looking better and better.

    CBS News' Jan Crawford reports that Perry campaign spokesman Ray Sullivan denied Cain's claim that the Texas governor's campaign was involved in the sexual accusations landing in the headlines. Pointing to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's team, however, he said, "I wouldn't put it past them."

    Gil - Still want to blame it on the media? Jake - Liberal intelligencia? Come on guy's. This isn't rocket science. If it was, the Republicans wouldn't be involved.

  2. Bob,

    We understand that you were duped by hope and change. After committing your heart and soul to the Transformational One, it's a bitter pill to realize he is just another free-spending, fast-talking Chicago hack politician.

    You and the liberal intelligentsia are grasping at straws when you try to diminish the Republican contenders. Any one of them is better than the empty suit in office now.

    Politics is a full-contact sport, and just like all the Presidential elections before this, there will be testy moments, vigorous debates and even dirty tricks.

    But in the end, there is no escaping the fact that Obama has been an abysmal failure as President. Jimmy Carter can finally sleep at night knowing the history books can turn the page on his weakness and incompetence.

  3. Jake - I would suggest you stay the course. Support Cain, donate to his campaign, and blame his shortcomings on the liberal intelligentsia. Even though Cain now believes Perry was the responsible party. There's nothing that I would like more. And forget about stupid issues like job's. There are more important things to do. Like voting to make "In God we Trust" the nations motto. BTW, I don't think Carter has any trouble sleeping. On the other hand, your hero Bush probably has trouble sleeping knowing that he has the blood of 4480 US soldiers, and countless Iraqi civilians on his hands from a war that YOU were duped into supporting.

  4. Obama is done, Bob! He will be a one termer, and that I am sure.

    He is pushing his Job Bill that even his Demoncrats in the Senate won't give him, because they see it as we do, a veiled STIMULUS for more stupid "friends of the Administration" pork. The funny part of this story is he spent 1000 days angering the American public, now he wants to kiss up.

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me a second time? Nope!!

  5. Danny - I thought it was "Fool me once shame on you, but we won't be fooled again" God, I miss that guy!

    But seriously, the view from here look's a bit different from where you stand. We have a president who took office at a time when many economists were saying we were headed for a second depression. Under his leadership we have avoided that. I, and many others have said from the start that it will take 8 to 10 yrs. for this country to rebound. Now throw in Republican opposition that from the start has publicly stated that job 1 is making Obama a one term president. How do we move forward as a country when the Republican plan is to destroy Obama? He could very well be a one term president Danny, but the unfortunate truth is that Republicans are putting party above country.

  6. Bob... You say "...the unfortunate truth is that Republicans are putting party above country." Really? If you look at this country today in 2011, and see our standing in the world versus when President Obama took office, if you look at our economic situation today despite the President driving us and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren into trillions of debt, you would see that it is you and your fellow Democrats who are putting party above country. If you look at the facts, you would, or should, be willing to admit that the Jobs Bill is being stymied by Democrats who see it for what it is---a tax and doomed-to-fail stimulus bill... My vote is for Gil to wear the button on Tuesday... And throughout the year to follow...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
