
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Obama Is Losing Pennsylvania

According to Public Policy Polling:
If the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney and the election was today Barack Obama would probably lose Pennsylvania, fundamentally reshaping the 2012 electoral map.

Obama has dreadful poll numbers in the state, with only 42% of voters approving of him to 53% who disapprove. With white voters he's at only a 36/59 spread, numbers we're more used to seeing in the South than the Northeast. He's also at a much lower than normal 69% approval rating with Democrats while independents split against him 45/53 and only 9% of GOP voters give him good marks.

Obama and Romney are tied at 45% each but if you dig in on the undecided voters only 24% of them approve of Obama's job performance to 70% who disapprove.
And PPP is a Democrat-owned and operated firm. Apparently, Keystone staters would rather cling to their guns, bigotry and religion, than this particular president.


UPDATE: Meanwhile, he's not getting rave reviews from the Russian media either.

Time for another drone attack?

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