Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Official list of Occupy Wall Street Supporters

(Posted by Dannytheman)

I have some close connection to a person or two who are with Occupy Philly. It is my hope that he/she can read this and see how they are being played as pawn in a bigger picture.

With age comes knowledge and maturity. It is hard to be played.

The 99%: Official list of Occupy Wall Street's supporters, sponsors and sympathizers can be found here:

It includes:
Communist Party USA
American Nazi Party
Ayatollah Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Iran
Barack Obama
Nancy Pelosi
and the government of North Korea, to name a few.


Meanwhile, at OWS in New York...
Q: You said a deaf guy was raped?
A: Yeah…
Q: Did the guy, I mean, do these, did that get reported to the police, or did that stay inside the camp?
A: Well, OK, I’m not sure for that particular incident. Yeah, no I–that might have stayed inside the camp.


Blogger Spencerblog said...

Now that Bank of America has lowered it money card fees, can't everybody go back inside?

November 1, 2011 at 4:34 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Danny - Just because a group or a member of a group say's that they support a certain issue or movement does NOT mean that said group or member has any influence or support from the targeted movement. Now honestly Danny, do you think the American Nazi Party, the Ayatollah or North Korea have any say, influence or support from the OWS folks? That's just silly political hype, and it weakens any legitimate argument you are trying to put forward. Where did you get this from? Limbaugh? Hannity? Fox?

November 1, 2011 at 7:53 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, Bob... You are referring to Danny in your post. But Danny (or Dannytheman) has not yet commented on the Spencerblog. Are you revealing a Senior Moment fanticizing about a possible intellectually challenging post from Danny? And do you really believe tht the allegations which are well reported by reputable sources regarding the OWS supporters are all BS? Surely a person as well educated as you can see the truth... Please say it is so...

November 1, 2011 at 9:13 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Anon - You obviously aren't quite up to speed with what goes on around here. We all understand that you're a little slow, so let me help you along. The Original Post (you can click on Show Original Post) was posted by Danny. Hint - look at the top of the post. And let this be a lesson to you You're not nearly as bright as you think you are.

November 1, 2011 at 10:13 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Anon - And use your spell check.

November 1, 2011 at 10:15 PM 
Blogger Dannytheman said...

Good morning Bob,

Thank you for your perspective. I was shocked but what I read on the people/groups/organizations that have spent money, donated gifts/food/deodorant to the Occupy cause. I was placing this so people could, to quote a news agency, "I Report, You Decide" methodology.

But the entire thing smells to the high Heavens, don't you think? Look at that list? I do think when you are supported by the worst of the worst, like Pelosi, Biden and Ayatollah, there is some smoke, yes. Who is checking where Occupy's money is coming from. I hear they are eating great, one of the members gained 3 pounds.

November 2, 2011 at 7:18 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Danny - And thank you for your perspective on semi-automatic weapons last week. It was simple, easy to understand, and quite convincing. As for the OWS thing, first of all, I'm still not quite sure what the protests are all about, however the message that seem's to be emerging is that corporate greed and the widening chasm between the have's and the have not's is pissing alot of people off. Now again, when you mention Biden and Pelosi as the worst of the worst, it becomes hard to take you seriously. David Duke is a Tea Party supporter. So is Glenn Beck. Would it be fair to say that because of their support,Tea Party members are all racists or morons? Do we really want to go there Danny?

November 2, 2011 at 8:08 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

Honest question:

Did anyone hear about the flyers handed out at "Occupy Phoenix" last week about "When to shoot a Police Officer". Were they legitimate or were they a plug by someone wanting to smear the protests? I think these protesters are misinformed, but I don't believe they would be the types to consider something that ridiculous!

November 2, 2011 at 9:31 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - I think they were flyers left over from a Tea Party rally.

November 2, 2011 at 10:14 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Anon is being awfully quiet, isn't she?

November 2, 2011 at 6:45 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget all these intellectuals from Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges. Where do these educated, upstanding members of the community get off on supporting a movement openly exercising their first amendment rights while the right wing sensationalist media turns this into a political battle? Seriously though, what are you doing? Why aren't you thinking for yourself and maybe do a little research about the whole movement instead of believing what Fox news and Gill Spencer(and hell all mainstream media is using you to push whatever agenda the business that runs them has) tells you what to believe. Your misinformed. Get informed. Stop assuming. I bet you think it's a bunch of hippies who are bitching about people having more than them because they're lazy. But you couldn't be further from the truth. These are normal people, these are unions, These are families. Just like you. They're your neighbors and your friends. This economic crisis will effect you eventually.


November 2, 2011 at 11:01 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

I like this new and improved Anon.

November 4, 2011 at 12:02 PM 

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