
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Paterno Fired

Joe Paterno was fired last night.

The Penn State University board of trustees did what they had to do. As an institution, the school failed to properly investigate and report possible sexual abuse of children on their grounds. Most of the men responsible for that failure have now been fired.

But one remains, Assistant Coach Matt McQueary. He's the guy who told a grand jury that he witnessed former Defensive Coach Jerry Sandusky raping a 10-year-old boy in a lockerroom shower in 2002.

He's the guy, according to his own words, walked out of the locker room that night, leaving Sandusky naked in the shower to finish up with his victim. He's the guy who witnessed an unspeakable crime with his own eyes, in progress, and did nothing to stop it. He turned his back and he walked away.

If he is on the Penn State sidelines this Saturday, it will be a far greater travesty than if Paterno was.

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