
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Razing Cain

Herman Cain should have been ready for this. But that fact that it hasn't already destroyed his candidacy means that voters are getting sick of flimsily sourced stories and vague charges of sexual harassment. My print column is up.


  1. Hey, I'm all for Cain running against Obama. He's the gift that keep's on giving. But I can't quite understand why Republicans continue to defend him and I don't understand why he places so high in the Republican polls. As I've said from the start, his campaign is a joke. The Republican party has become the political equivelant of the WWF. If the polls are any indication, Republicans much prefer a P. T. Barnum to an intelligent and capable candidate like John Huntsman. Why not just cut to the chase and run Don King?

  2. Bob,
    No matter how much you mock the Republican Presidential candidates, it doesn't make the Obama years any less of a failure.
    "Are you better off than you were 4 trillion dollars ago"

  3. Jake - I don't mind telling you that, yes I am better now than I was 4 yrs. ago. But then I've always hustled for a buck, and lived a frugal lifestyle so I can afford to travel. And if you don't believe me, I'll prove it by showing you my tax returns. For real. But Jake, in all seriousness, I have to ask you this. Did you know that China has nukes? Would you remember if you had been charged with sexual harassment? Do you believe Cain when he say's God wanted him to run for president? Why do Republicans continue to let this guy tarnish the image of the party? It makes no sense to me.

  4. if he made a couple comments that one can find in a Chris Rock stand-up, I think I can live with it as opposed to a guy penetrating someone with a maduro in the oval office.

    I vote for people not for their personal life but their political platforms. These scandals do nothing for me.

  5. Steve - I'll pose the same question to you. Did you know China had nukes? If you agree with a candidate's political platform but that candidate is not intellectually up to the task of running the country, are you still going to vote for him? Or when he say's he would throw back the question about who's the leader of beka beka beka stan stan, I mean what's that all about? Pride in ones ignorance and lack of intellectual curiosity? There are several Republican candidates who are intellectually capable. The election is getting closer. Why are we wasting time with this guy?

  6. how is he not intellectually capable but Obama is? If the president was truly intellectual capable, he would see that 'stimulating' an economy through building up bureaucratic agencies isn't the answer. The man's not a politician, he's not going to be able to answer the gotcha foreign questions, and I could care less. He's brought an inventive idea to the table that's literally scaring both sides and they're scraping to find anything in their playbooks to divert the interest.

    Anyone can be president of our 57 United States, except those who haven't served as Senator, Governor, Representative or Vice President. Oh, and if you don't have an Ivy League Degree (which hasn't proved to be the answer to a successful presidency to begin with), you need not apply, either.

  7. As dumb as Bob thinks Herman Cain is, I'd bet the house he knows how to pronounce "corpsman".

  8. Steve - You write "how is he not intellectually capable but Obama is?" That wasn't the question. But if you believe that Obama wasn't capable, why would you want another candidate who isn't capable? Do you really believe 999 is the answer to our financial problems? For real? When asked about the details, Cain gives answers that are as vague as his answers about the sexual harassment allegations. Sorry Steve, but I want my president to be smarter than me. A lot smarter than me. I'm sure everyone who posts here would agree on that! LOL>
