
Friday, December 23, 2011

Paddy Cats

It's only got 12.9 million views.

H/t undercover corporate titan


  1. GIL, DANNY, STEVE, JAKE & C. SCOTT (RIP)- Merry Christmas from your Agnostic, Liberal, Socialist loving, Bush thumping, Obama supporting, MSNBC watching, FOX bashing, Union backing, trash talkin, whiskey drinkin friend, Bob

    Long live freedom of Speech.

  2. Bob,
    We will be thinking of you at our candlelight Christmas Eve church service.
    Please accept our best wishes for the Winter Solstice as you run naked through the woods, singing Tiny Bubbles in honor of your vacationing leader, and communing with Gaia the Earth Mother.

  3. Oh, I did better than that Jake!
    I worked overtime so I could buy 5 desks for childrens schools in Malawi through the UNICEF KIND fund. All in the spirit of giving. If you'd like to match it, I'll forward you the information.

  4. Don't worry Bob. When you are a part of a vibrant church community, you don't lack for worthwhile charitable activities.

    We collected food for City Team, prepared meals for shut-ins through Aid For Friends, and went caroling at Fair Acres, among others.
    I particularly like volunteering to help local people in need, with no government or public union overhead required.

  5. Jake - Well there you go. We do have something in common. A desire to help those in need. Merry Christmas. Now excuse me while I run naked through the woods.

  6. Don't get frostbite on your Sandusky.

  7. Jake - It's Christmas. Save your pedophile jokes for another time.
