Hyperactive Scientists?
A new Yale study says cell phone use during pregnancy may be bad for babies.
NEW HAVEN - Yale University researchers say they may have found a link between cell phone use during pregnancy and behavioral problems in children such as hyperactivity.
“We can’t extrapolate from this what level of exposure is bad, but it lays the groundwork for saying cell phone exposure can cause harm,” says Hugh S. Taylor, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine and chief of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility in the school’s department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences.
“If you’re pregnant, it makes sense to move your cell phone away from your abdomen when you’re not on an active call. Putting it on a desk or a table might be better,” Taylor says.I'm confused. How do you talk on your cell phone close to your abdomen when you ARE on an active call? You'd have to be a contortionist.
blogwalking . visit me back . n comment back me . thanks.
Everything is bad for you at one time or another!
How about the moms living under the TV stations or Radio station towers?
This is a huge crap story!!!
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