Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where's Debra Miller?

Probably, Orlando on vacation. My print column is up.

UPDATE/CORRECTION: Debra Miller does have a Facebook account. Either Chief Edmiston misspoke or I misheard him.

UPDATE II: I have received a couple of emails from people who claim there are other inaccuracies in today's column.

One comes from a Teresa Sierchio, who identifies herself as the mother-in-law of Micky Sullivan, Miller's brother.

She writes that Miller hadn't yet graduated from the trade school she was attending, that she was going to at the end of December. She points out that Miller was close enough to her family to have recently attended her nephew's birthday party at the end of October so it is unlikely that she would miss her own daughter's 14th birthday.

Also that Miller's cat was left inside her house. "She would not leave her pet to starve to death," Sierchio wrote.

She also raised the question that if she had recently "cleared out" her bank account, why she would attempt to withdraw money she would have known wasn't there? (I didn't write that Miller "cleared out" her account, only that, according to Chief Edmiston, she made a withdraw shortly before she disappeared. Police believe when she disappeared she had a couple of thousand dollars in cash.)

Sierchio wrote that she would like to know whether the police have checked the cameras at the ATM where the withdraw was made.

Good, fair questions.

Also, another reader wrote in to say that the police have Miller's cell phone.

I have reached out to Sierchio and others in hopes learning more. I also have another call in to reach Chief Edmiston for any further developments.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: She's back!


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