
Thursday, August 30, 2007

George Bush Screws Up Again

If only we had elected John Kerry, things would be much much better.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lefties refuse to recognize W’s excellent stewardship of the economy. For many of them, longing for the “prosperity of the Clinton years” still twinkles in their blind eye.
    Never mind most of that turned out to be nothing more than a big fake Dot.Com bubble bust.

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  4. Oh, sure “It’s Bush’s fault!” Don’t you ever get tired of exclaiming that?

    I recall back at the election that you LibDems tried to make issue of the unemployment rate. When it turned out it was exactly the same (5.1-??) as when your beloved Willie was in there soiling that office.
    You Libs is funny!

    It’s even lower now. At 4.6% just about everyone who wants a job has one now. While some that you Lefties coddle from cradle-to-prison are terminally unemployable and will never bother working.

    And let us not forget too that under King George the economy and market have performed as well as they have even with 9/11, Katrina and two wars all taking place on his watch. Yeah, let’s not forget that.

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You’re so adept at splitting hairs you should be a barber!

  8. Umm, you have heard that war is generally good for an economy, right?
    I’ve been fighting with another onea you guys on another board and he’s certain that Bush waged the war in order to benefit the stock market and kick our economy.
    You Libs need to come together on your story!

    But at least you guys agree that everything bad in the world is somehow Bush’s fault. (snicker)

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  10. I already explained to you about the unemployment rates just as I spanked you about war and the economy. Times are good now, end of story. It’s not my fault if you refuse to admit it and still cling to your Willie glory days.

    Nah. We have soldiers to do that. I don’t ask them to do my job and I’m pretty sure they don’t want me doing theirs. Why don’t you enlist? You could actually do something for your country rather than just always tearing it down.

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  12. Yeah, I’m down to 137. And I gotta admit, it does hurt a little sometimes.
    So what’s your excuse for the childish Lib crap you post?
