
Friday, August 17, 2007

Impeach. Impeach. Impeach.

That's what the crowd who went to see Joe Sestak the other night demanded.
The lemming left is trying to lead Democratic party off a cliff. They don't know how lucky they are to have moderates like Sestak who know better. The Impeachment crowd remind me of teenagers shrieking at the immorality of their parents. When -- make that if -- they grow up, they may realize they were not as smart and moral as they thought they were.


  1. Who else is not at all surprised that Sestak’s anti-war rallies have devolved into cheap and shrill “impeach Bush!” lynching parties? After all, what else could we expect from holding such meetings at places like a Friends Meeting or Swarthmore College –of all places- the very heart of local Angry Liberal idiocy?

    If we can talk of impeaching a president simply because some angry folks don’t like him then certainly it is time to talk about charging the many Hate America First Libs with treason for how their traitorous words aid our enemies. What ever happened to shooting traitors, anyway? Can we get back to that?

    One more time: The President of the United States is not the enemy; terrorists and their traitorous Liberal enablers are.

    Maybe we need to consider putting treasonous Liberals into internment camps until this whole war on terror thing blows over?

    Randal Davis

  2. Probably not a good idea to give a speech like that in the People's Republic of Swarthmore.

  3. What a sad state of affairs that Admiral cut & run is referred to as a moderate. He me not be as far left as the loons he was meeting with but he is still invested in Americas defeat in Iraq. There is nothing “moderate” about that.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Maybe you missed this part of my post:
    One more time: The President of the United States is not the enemy; terrorists and their traitorous Liberal enablers are.

    The Constitution is in fine shape. If you’re not talking to terrorists suspects you have nothing to worry about. You aren’t talking to terrorist suspects on the phone, are you, David?

    How screwed up is it that a majority of Libs see our President as more of a problem than are terrorists?
    And polls also show that they DO NOT WANT America to win in Iraq!
    That’s not anti-America and treasonous. Nah.

    Randal Davis

  6. Oh, and Dave, the answer is NO. So you may as well get over it and fine something else on which to expend your petty Lib politics of hurt feelings.

    Randal Davis

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wow, Dave, you touched on nearly all the shrill and baseless, tired accusations of the Bush-hating Left! Congrats!

    No, not just any dissent is treason. But certainly what we have seen coming from the Angry Left is indeed treasonous. We’ve seen unprecedented attacks on a sitting president during wartime from his own countrymen. You Emotional Ones want blood… Bush blood. Kinda hard to call this patrotism, dontcha think?

    For many it’s little more than ax grinding paybacks for their god Slick Willie. You kids regularly grind your axes while regurgitating your sour grapes whine.

    Funny how Libs always have to defend their patriotism while Righties never have to.
    That’s what you get when you try to cloak treason under the guise of free speech. Btw, slander and lies are not protected free speech, just so you know.

    I wonder how it feels for Libs knowing that the ONLY thing preventing their doors from being kicking in and being dragged off into the night is ONE sentence written in 200 year old ink on a document for which they hold no regard for anyway? Sleep well.

    Libs are always trying to extend Constitutional rights that are reserved for only Americans to non-citizen terrorist captives and illegals. What’s with that? Let’s be clear: The rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution are for U.S. citizens only, despite the crazy interpretations of Libs determined to say that Bush has blahblahblah...

    And I knew I could count on you to allude to the favorite Lib label of Bush being a Nazi/Hitler. You guys are so predictable. And childish.

    Until someone posts a supporting poll I shall retract the word majority and replace it with the word many . So that paragraph should now read:

    “How screwed up is it that many Libs see our President as more of a problem than are terrorists?
    And polls also show that they DO NOT WANT America to win in Iraq!
    That’s not anti-America and treasonous. Nah.”

    -Although this hardly makes you guys look any better.

    America is steering off a cliff?! Oh my! Umm, I’m gonna need to see a link that proves this. ;)

    You Libs will need more than some therapy and meds to become useful members of society.

  9. David:
    Why do you come out and make comments about Bush and impeachment for wiretapping yet not mention any of the 60 Senators who supported (and thus voted yes) for the recent spy bill? I mean, if you aren't going to play partisan politics, lets point out Bob Casey voted yes.

    Also, anyone who wanted to take away Cheney's "funding" from the executive branch would be an idiot. His pay check is signed by the "United States Senate." Therefore, any vote (even Sestak's), would not stop his paycheck. Almost a good try by the far left, too bad too many reasonable people saw that glaring issue to go forward with voting "yes" on it.

  10. Now don’t go picking apart the glaring dishonest hypocrisy of the Lying LibDems. It’s all they got. They are committed to attacking the United States President as though he were the enemy and will grasp at any dishonesty in order to see that through. This is what they call “patriotism”. (snicker)
