
Saturday, August 25, 2007

NAACP Calls for OJ Comeback

One day after recommending that Michael Vick should be allowed to return to the NFL after serving time for his role in a dogfighting operation, Atlanta NAACP President R.L. White called for O.J. Simpson to be reinstated as a commentator for Monday Night Football.
"O.J. Simpson was never convicted of anything, yet society has ruthlessly excluded him from his chosen professions as a sports analyst and an actor," said White.
"Yesterday, I said that we should all aid Michael Vick in his rehabilitation and welcome him back into the community after he serves his time. Well, the same goes for Mr. Simpson."
White said Simpson was a victim of the same sort of "rush to judgement," that Vick recently faced.
"A jury found him not guilty in the regrettable stabbing deaths of his wife and that other guy and yet 12 years later Mr. Simpson is still vilified and prevented from making the sort of living to which he is entitled," White said.
At the same press conference, White also called for Ms. Crystal Gail Magnum, the accuser in the Duke lacrosse rape case, to be reinstated in her job at Jiggles Strip Club and for her corporate sponsors to immediately reactivate all her endorsement deals.


  1. Funny. But the really sad thing is that this could very well be real. That apologist Libs of the Media give such racists a friendly forum to spew their hatred is disgusting and only serves to perpetuate the divisive “Us vs. Them” racial mentality.

  2. Of course, WE don't subscribe to that sort of mentality. Do we, Randal?

  3. We never –ever- see whites jumping to the defense on behalf of other whites just and only because they share a skin color, as blacks commonly do. And if whites partook in such blind racial tribalism solidarity, certainly the Lib Media would not provide a friendly form for it. Look no further than the disparate treatment those Libs give the NAACP and the KKK.

  4. People who argue that Michael Vick (or O.J. Simpson for that matter) should be able to return to his job (i.e. the NFL) once he's paid his debt (like any other person would be allowed to), do not grasp the fundamental difference between being a professional athlete and having a "regular" job; it's not the same thing.

    Being able to play a sport for a living should hold you to a very high moral standard. Nobody is saying he can't work anywhere, but why does he have the "right" to continue to play in the NFL? How many convicted criminals get the "right" to go back to whatever job they want after having served a prison sentence? ... Additionally, one of the charges against Vick is that he bankrolled the dog-fighting operation and breeding of the dogs. Where do you think he got the money for that? I'm guessing from his NFL quarterback salary.

  5. How many convicted criminals get the "right" to go back to whatever job they want after having served a prison sentence?

    Youch! So true. It’s gonna be hard to argue against that sort of reasoning!

  6. Randal said...
    "How many convicted criminals get the "right" to go back to whatever job they want after having served a prison sentence?

    Joe Loper, Bob Asher, Buddy Cianfrani?

  7. Franny,

    Are you under the impression that Joe Loeper is still a State Senator?
