
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Or To Put It Another Way

Hillary Clinton asks al Qaeda to help her beat the GOP, hold off on terror until after her election.
Osama, watch out for her "army of lawyers." Heh.


  1. But seriously, how incredibly damning is it that even Dems acknowledge that Repubs are better at confronting terrorism? What more will it take to convince voters which party keeps us safer?

  2. You need to step it up. You’re all we’ve got at that Lib rag but you’ve been wasting an inordinate amount of time chasing that Sereni nonsense.

  3. Randal,
    Thanks for the advice. Now, congratulations are in order. You've made the big time. Your name (and David Diano's) appears in tomorrow's print column to promote Spencerblog.
    Thanks for all your helpful advice and support.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hey! Where’d my… Oh no! Not you too!

    Meh, that was nuthin I haven’t already said to them myself anyway.

  6. This brings back memories of Bill Clinton. Many times he could have revenged the initial attacks on the WTC and our Embassies, but he and his advisers got cold feet because they did not want to deal with the political backlash. That hesitation allowed the planning for 9-11 to continue. ... In demonstrating that same hesitancy, Hillary has shown that the paralysis of the left in making the hard decisions still exists.

  7. Yep. If it didn’t poll well Slick Willie never did it. (Well, except for Monica…) That sure is some way to make hard decisions and run a country, eh?
    No matter what anyone says about the guy in office now, at least we can count on him to make difficult decisions and stick to his convictions and not change his stance as political winds blow. There is something to be said for such honest steadfastness. He has a whole lot more character and integrity than Willie ever did. And the Donkeys hate that.

  8. Randal,
    Thanks for the advice. Now, congratulations are in order. You've made the big time. Your name (and David Diano's) appears in tomorrow's print column to promote Spencerblog.

    Oh, sure, I’m a “kook” while that Liberal wank is just on drugs.

    Liberalism is a mental illness. How any self-respecting heterosexual white male can be a Liberal these days is beyond me. Pathetic. They should have their membership card to the Man Club revoked.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I’ve seen statistics that claim somewhere in the neighborhood of 72% of hetero white males lean Right, align with and vote for Repubs. What’s that tell you about the other 28%?
    Everyone needs to ask themselves: “Who do I vote with?”

    The Daily Times has become a Far Lib rag. Merely saying otherwise changes nothing. I am not the only one who sees and says it.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Feeling a little insecure about whom you’re in bed with, Dave? Hehehe…
