
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Broken Thumbs Up?

FOX News celebrity columnist Roger Friedman gives Rosie O'Donnell's new memoir, in which she writes that as a child she used to break her own "limbs" with a baseball bat, a big thumbs up.

He calls her and the book "brave," whatever that is supposed to mean.

Well, it does certainly suggest that Rosie had pretty severe psychological problems as a child that even as an adult she obviously hasn't gotten over.

Friedman gushes:

"All the proceeds from “Celebrity Detox” are going to Rosie’s charity, by the way. So it’s not like she’s putting her most painful personal memories on sale for self-aggrandizement."

That is a complete non sequitur.

She may not be publishing the book for financial gain, but self aggrandizement is the act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation.

That's exactly what she's doing here. And it's working, if silly and sycophantic reviews like Friedman's are any indication.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it does certainly suggest that Rosie had pretty severe psychological problems as a child that even as an adult she obviously hasn't gotten over.

    And anyone would give a crap about anything at all such a complete kook has to say because…???

    Maybe being gay is a mental illness they're born with after all?
