
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What Would Frank Do?

Frank J. doesn't just pick on John Edwards. He has strong feelings about terrorists too. He says they should be killed.

I think Frank is harsh. Harsh but, you know, right.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's Bush's fault! America is the problem!

  3. David:

    Me again... Uhm, did you know that Islam's goal is to DEFEAT western civilization, inlcuding Jews? This started with Abraham, aand his two (2) sons. Now, you have a nut job in Iran who wants nuclear wepon, and you have Al Qaeda one well placed bullet from obtaining numerous nuclear weapons in Pakistan. Do you really not have a clue? Does it rain gumdrops where you live?

  4. Sorry, did not properly proof that last post.

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  6. David:

    You should start paying attention. Didn't you know that radical Islam does not care about the consequences of an attack? Didn't you know that radical Islam has already rendered western Europe completely impotent, and that the United States is all that is left to save western civilization from radical Islam? Talking about paranoia, wasn't it Clinton who expanded "secret" wiretapping, and that now people like him, (including people like you), have done everything in your power to emasculate our President, including NSA wiretapping?

    There is a history, and your type ignores it. What about the gumdrops?

  7. Also, are you foolish enough to believe that Iran would actually deploy a nuclear weapon unprovoked?

    Sometimes I swear you say this stuff just to get a rise out of people.

  8. The Left refuses to believe the clear threat that is Iran for no other reason than Bush says it is so.
    Now there’s some solid political ground worthy of building foreign policy on. Lol… Such childish and dangerous attitudes are just more reason to exclude the unreasonable Angry Left from all discussions of war etc.

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  10. Radical Islam will stop at nothing to kill as many Americans as they can. They will never stop until all Americans are dead. They do not differentiate between military, civilian, man, woman, child, race, ethnicity, political affiliation or any other factor other than American.

    People can keep talking smack but George Bush will keep you safe in your little dream world (whether you like it or not) until January of 2009. He will do that because I told him that that's what I want him to do when I voted for him. He is doing what the people who voted him in as President want him to do. He told me that we would not waiver, and he kept his promise. He has not despite immense political pressure to do otherwise. He stuck to his word and that is why I respect him so much.

    I wanted a President who would keep our country safe in this crazy world. I did not want someone who was backed by people who forgot that Islamic Radicals crashed airplanes into buildings only 6 years ago.

  11. David:

    David, are you a lawyer? I bet not! FISA is designed to prevent wiretaps being used as evidence against criminals in criminal proceedings, and is inapplicable to foreigners. In fact, FISA cannot usurp Presidential authority over foreign affairs as stated in the only FISA Chamber Opinion that exists.

    David, these islamic fanatics are very well organized, and they have infiltrated everywhere, even our own country. They have people like you so whipped that you are probably against profiling them. As for other countries, Islam has already taken over Europe, as most recently, even Germany is afraid to impose sanctions on Iran. Also, Islam has gotten Britain to set up Sharia Courts. Does it frighten you that it could happen here too?

    Also, the Soviet Union never launched because of the doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD).

    Today's Islam does not care about MAD, as they are mad. They place more value on martyrdom than anything else.

    Dave, if I were a doctor, I would prescribe for you a steady regimine of 1210 WPHT talk radio every day Monday through Friday. Consistently listen to Glenn Beck in the morning (9-12), Rush in the midafternoon (12-3), and Sean Hannity in the afternoon (3-6), along with reading your Bible, and you will find the cure to what ails all of those left wing loons like you.

    As for our President, he is a great man that even I don't always agree with. One thing for sure though is that his yes means yes and his no means no. Every day that passes without another attack is a blessing, and you can thank God and our President for keeping us safe.

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  13. No they're not. That's just Lib talk for not being able to understand what they say.

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  15. Yeah, “information” twisted by the Liberal Media.

    And to Liberals “science” is also something malleable, to be manipulated to fit a predetermined political end.
    So which is worse?

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  17. Nope. Liberals misuse and abuse “science” to being worthless in order to serve their political agendas.
    Everyone knows this. Saying otherwise and attempting to distract from this fact with petty ad hominem changes nothing.
    Libs are underhanded and despicable.

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  19. David:

    You then must be outraged that Al Gore and other left wing loons continues to lie about global warming.

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  21. Yep. The Libs have hijacked and lied about that science too, Anon.

    You're really showing the quality and depth of Libism today, Dave. Lol...

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  23. True science never went wrong or became a Left-wing ideology; they just lie about it to fit there desires, is all.

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