
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Israelis Hit Syrian/Iranian/NK Weapons Cache

Anybody have a problem with this?


  1. Good for them. Israel has shown great restraint.

  2. Iran should be next.

  3. I absolutely love the no-nonsense way Israel deals wit threats. Whenever anyone gives them an ounce of sh!t, they give back a pound of a$$ whoopin'.

  4. Like a good neighbor surrounded by thugs should.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sometimes people are just wrong. And we can always count on you to support them.

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  8. Iran is not a suicide nation, according to Gen. Abizaid.

    That's what a lot of people said in the 1930s about Nazi Germany, including American hero Charles Linbergh. Randal's right. Sometimes good people are simply wrong.

    Iran's leaders may not be "suicidal," but they have supported suicide bombings around the world.

    They have repeatedly said that Israel needs to be "wiped off the map."

    If the world's Jews have learned anything since 1943, it's this: When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.

    Israel is not a suicidal country either. Hoping that Iran's leaders aren't crazy isn't much of a defense policy. Especially, given their past and present behavior.

    Even the French are starting to understand this. A nuclear-armed Iran is simply unacceptable.

  9. Iran is not a suicide nation, according to Gen. Abizaid.

    That's what a lot of people said in the 1930s about Nazi Germany, including American hero Charles Linbergh. Randal's right. Sometimes good people are simply wrong.

    Iran's leaders may not be "suicidal," but they have supported suicide bombings around the world.

    They have repeatedly said that Israel needs to be "wiped off the map."

    If the world's Jews have learned anything since 1943, it's this: When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.

    Israel is not a suicidal country either. Hoping that Iran's leaders aren't crazy isn't much of a defense policy. Especially, given their past and present behavior.

    Even the French are starting to understand this. A nuclear-armed Iran is simply unacceptable.

  10. And calling our generals traitors is more a partisan Democratic tactic, Dave, you gotta admit.

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  12. The Left’s irrational personal hatred of Bush has caused them to refuse to believe the clear threat that is Iran. That’s where their Politics of Hurt Feelings become dangerous. This is yet another reason why the Left should be precluded from all discussions on foreign policy and war. Those emotional folks just can’t put their emotions aside and be rational.
    And let’s not ask schoolyard children what they think either.

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  14. Uh, yeah, Dave, also notice how the good General was reasonable and rational in expressing his wrong views, unlike the rest of you Angry Lefties.

    And no matter how many times you shrill dishonest guys say it, the world will not magically become more dangerous because of Bush. Sorry. That’s a worn out cheap sound byte.

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  16. Rarely do you post anything that is not ridded with shrill irrational Lib invective. Emotion will do that to people incapable of leaving it out. Had you I think I would remember it.

  17. David:

    Fear what Iran and the other Islamic radicals say. They mean it, they want to kill us, and if we engage in more diplomacy, they will cut our throat while in the group hug.

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  19. David:

    Handguns don't kill people, people kill people. In fact, automobiles are responsible (the tool) for more deaths than firearms.

  20. Liberalism is more dangerous than all those things combined.

    Why do you hate America so much, Dave?
