
Monday, September 17, 2007

Robin Hood Rangel

New York Congressman Charlie Rangel is gearing to propose the largest tax hike in the history of the world. Don't worry it won't affect you, if your family income is less than $200,000.

Of course, if enacted it could affect the U.S. economy to the point of affecting you, plunging America into a recession of which it will be tough to dig out.

Just remember, as Democrats like Bruce Bikin of Radnor point out, tax rates have no effect on the economy. People who say they do, are tired and discredited and don't know what they're talking about.


  1. Gil, isn't this type of Democrat thinking also represented at the local level by candidtaes such as Landau and Innelli proposing programs which will cost tens of millions of dollars a year only to duplicate programs at the local level. Do we need the county government to take over inspections of local pizza shops and take over the decisions on which local roads will be paved? Aren't these decisions best made by local officials? Or, don't these candidates trust local officials to make this type of decision for their neighbors (also typical Democrat thinking)? Of course, if you look at some of the Democrat towns where this type of plan has been endorsed, I can understand why they would want someone other than the local elected officials to be making these decisions.

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  3. Deficits don’t matter.

    No one (including Greenspan) can honestly criticize Repub spending in light of all the Socialist Liberal wealth-spreading and entitlements schemes slipped in through the years that continue to hold us down.

    Vote Democrat, folks, and the U.S. will be full-blown Socialist before you know it. You’ve seen the warning signs.

  4. David:

    Do you get a fax from the DNC every morning with the old and tired DNC talking points? Tax cuts INCREASE commerce. Taxation DECREASES commerce. It really is as simple as understanding that the earth is ROUND.

  5. David,

    I don't know what makes Bruce Bikin think he is such such an expert on tax policy or why he thinks tax cuts can't help an economy grow. You'll have to ask him.

    As for him speaking for all Democrats, I grant that he does not.

    But he did come within two votes of being the chairman of the Delaware County Democratic Party. And he aims to become party chairman in 2010.

    He is a big supporter of David Landau's run for county council. So his views on raising taxes might be of interest to his friends and neighbors.

    If you disagree with him about how high taxes don't affect economic growth feel free to say so.

    I disagree with Randal about deficits. I think they do matter. I think George Bush, Cheney and the Republican Congress have done a terrible job at controlling spending. And they can be fairly criticized for it.

  6. See how Libs never hesitate to dismiss reason and logic and just lie in order to promote their blind and backward “solutions”.

    Their entire Libism idiotology is built on their ability to lie right to our faces.
    And who likes to be lied to?

  7. Sure, Gil, the Repubs have veered from their economic conservative roots in recent years. But this still pales in comparison to the historic and ongoing reckless spending of the Socialist wealth-spreading Left.

    Deficits do not impact the day-to-day health of our economy the way other factors, like taxes, do. That’s what Cheney meant when he said that. But Libs try to spin it into something else.

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  9. Greenspan wasn’t spinning Cheney’s words the way you dishonestly tried to here.

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  11. Every LibDem sings wistfully about the great Deficit under Willie while neglecting to mention the Debt (which is different) that went through the roof during his reign.

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  13. "Rich friends... blatherblatherblather..."

    So you admit that King W indeed inherited much of the debt from Willie. Thanks. ;)

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  15. Under Willie the debt grew like never before. He did not inherit that from anyone.
    And unemployment grew to 5% by the time he left office. Bush inherited that and corrected it.
    Get off Willie’s #$%*. He prefers chubby girls to do that to him.
