
Friday, September 14, 2007

Looking For 10,000 Good Men

I have serious doubts about whether this approach will work but it's worth a try.


  1. Just what that city needs: 10,000 more black men prowling the streets at night.

    Can you imagine the din were a white police commissioner to suggest such a thing? But then, that’s the city where the Mayor can bellow at an NAACP convention “The brothas and sistas are running this city!” to thunderous applause and still keep his job.

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  3. David:

    What if a white mayor and his white police chief advocated mobilizing 10,000 white men to participate in a community watch program? Al Sharpton and the rest of the race hustlers would come out of the wood work. It is funny as people like you believe that only white men can discriminate. Even the other people who spontaneously became "gay" can be pissed off too.

    The better practice to stop crime would be to arm all law abiding citizens. Crime would decrease!

  4. Or how about we send in 10,000 apologist Daves? They could be used as bait!

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  6. Are you ashamed of your white skin, Dave? That is, do you suffer from White Guilt the same way you seem to suffer from Straight Guilt?

  7. Who says he's white or straight? I think he might be purple! He lives in the same nice world as Barney and Sesame Street, where bad things never happen and bad people just need a hug.

  8. Ed:

    So true and he probably wears pink dresses and advocates community group hugs. I bet it even rains gumdrops in his neighborhood.

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  10. I commend Mr. Johnson for making a concerted effort to turn the tide of violence.

    That said, I question the sustainability of this program. Regardless of skin color, how long are citizens that pay taxes for police protection going to be willing to patrol the streets for free? Also, how well prepared will these volunteers be to handle a person with an automatic weapon that doesn't value human life?

  11. The program's backers include Dennis Muhammad, a former Nation of Islam official who has been hired by police departments in Detroit, Syracuse, N.Y., and other cities to conduct community-sensitivity training.

    Great, just what that city needs, another professional race hustler.

    Johnson coordinating this with people affiliated with the Nation of Islam is insulting to every white person and Jew in Philadelphia.

    This would be like Bloomberg coordinating with the KKK to help in NYC.

  12. The problem in Philadelphia is they are not enforcing the laws. They need to get the Police, the District Attorney's Office and the Judicial System on the same page. The Police need to lock people up for every existing crime (no need for new or tougher laws), including minor offenses like taking a pee in public. Then the DA's Office and the courts need to actually put the criminals on trial, in a timely manner, with many less plea bargains (where all the serious charges are dropped just to get a deal). The courts then need to convict them of all the crimes they committed and then sentence them without concurrently running sentences. Then, save some tax dollars and eliminate probation and parole. You did the crime, you do all the time in jail. You don't want to stay in jail, then think twice before you commit a crime in Philadelphia.

    Also, if you want to spend some money on something, build new prisons. The correct answer to prison overcrowding is to build more prisons, not release criminals from jail early.

  13. Yes. We need to get tough on crime. I say eliminate plea bargains altogether. Hold people accountable for every crime they have committed.
    And do away with parole. I just read in the paper today that Virginia abolished parole for all crimes. We need to follow their lead.
    And most of all we need a Three Strikes Law. How many times have you read about some violent predator scumbag who “has an arrest record going back many years”? We need to make change so that there is no longer such thing as “career criminals”. They have shown many times over that they are unwilling to live a civilized life in society so it’s time to remove them for good and cage them like the animals they are.
    Also we need to start actually using the Death Penalty and expand the crimes it covers. No more of these endless appeals that drag for years making lawyers rich.

  14. Randal,

    I really believe that we would not need a 3 Strikes law if we just enforced the laws we have. I would love to see some hot shot reporter (hint, hint) figure out a way to get the following statistics for Philadelphia and Delaware Counties:

    # of persons charged with carrying a gun as a convicted felon in 2005.

    # of persons convicted of carrying a gun as a convicted felon for a 2005 offense and sentenced to the minimum mandatory 5 years in jail.

    # of persons convicted of carrying a gun as a convicted felon in the last 4 years.

    # of persons convicted of carrying a gun as a convicted felon in the last 4 years who are still incarcerated.

  15. An even bigger project would be if someone would research these stats for the two counties:

    # of murders in 2007

    # of murder arrests in 2007

    # of persons charged with committing a 2007 murder who were on probation or parole at the time they killed

    # of murder victims who were on probation or parole at the time they were killed

    # of persons charged with committing a 2007 murder by utilizing a firearm

    # of persons charged with committing a 2007 murder by utilizing a firearm, who possessed the murder weapon legally under existing gun laws.

  16. ...or Philadelphia could always try the Hug a Thug Program

  17. Let’s face it, when’s the last time 10,000 black men got together and there wasn’t a riot? Hell, they can’t even go to rap concerts without rioting.

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  19. Again with your silly labels.
    No, nothing racist up there; nothing “against blacks”. But feel free to keep grasping, apologist.

    I wonder how the thousands of soldiers fighting in uniform would feel if they read your traitorous comments?

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  21. Don’t you ever pick up a newspaper or watch the news? Noticing or stating facts is never racist, sorry. But, again, you’re welcome to keep grasping, seeing how you seem so determined to do so.
    While you may think you have me on the defensive, you do not. I am using this opportunity to spotlight your childish and dishonest Lib coerced PC methods that everyone is so sick of.
    See how you Libs resort to all this petty PC labeling and name calling when it comes to defending minorities or gays from your imagined/fabricated assaults? Get a grip.
    Funny how you go to such dishonest lengths but then turn around and have no qualms about turning against your country, soldiers and President when they hurt your feelings. You guys are a mess.
    And talk about leg humping...

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  23. Oh brother... Now it's Iran. Can't you guys ever stay on topic?

    Sure, your Politics of Hurt Feelings cause you to turn against your country and president. All you overly emotional folks are like that.

    The gays violated the very reasonable Don’t Ask/ Don’t Tell policy. They deserved what they got. They knew they were trying to make a gay statement and they got burned. I already schooled you about this a couple weeks ago.

    By the way, that bit about black mobs at rap concerts, those are the words of a black guy who posted that on another massage board. Besides, any reasonable and observant person knows the likelihood of a riot at a rap concert is about 1000 times greater than at, say, a rock concert.

    Dude, this isn’t the 1860’s or even the 1960’s. Evolve. And grow up.

  24. Randal,

    Hate to agree with Diano but the crack:

    "Just what the city needs: 10,000 more black men prowling the streets at night..."

    has more than a whiff of anti-black prejudice, especially the use of the word "prowling."

    Bad choice.

    I don't think what Sylvester had in mind will actually work but asking the black community take responsibility for helping to police their own communities is a hugely important and conservative idea.

  25. I don’t see the problem with the word that you do, Gil. Even our resident shrill girlieman apologist didn’t mention it. Here’s what he did say however:

    It's an attempt to tap into some ethnic pride to motivate potential volunteers.

    Whenever whites exhibit ethnic pride the DavidLibs come out screaming about how they’re “white supremacists!”.

    It just seems like a great big bad idea to go deputizing 10,000 black men -some with ties to Black Militant groups- in an effort to crack down on what is unquestionably a black male violence problem. Again, it seems like pouring fuel on the fire.

    My black friend from that other board said that they’ll have to make due with 9,999 black men because he’s not going unless he can be armed! -Lol!

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  27. Since when are blacks underprivileged and underrepresented?
    That’s just Lib scat.
    And why must you guys always treat them like children in need of help with their self-esteem?

    That last bit about whites holding blacks down… More Lib BS. And a rather offensive baseless indictment of whites, at that.
    Get that guilt checked.

    I knew I could count on you to seize on the “black friend” comment. You’re too easy. ;)

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  29. Keep grasping in attempt to preserve the eternal victim status and pity of your gay and black friends.

    Man, that emotional Libism can turn a man into a pathetic mess.
