
Friday, September 14, 2007

Where The Sun Don't Shine

The New York Times is taking a lot of heat for running the "Gen. Betray Us" ad. Deservedly so.

But I think the accusation that the paper gave MoveOn a discounted rate because it's owners and staff like the ad so much is mostly a distraction. Ad discount rates are available to anyone savvy and knowledgeable enough to get them.

There are better criticisms to be made of the Times taking the ad in the first place. One of them is that it attacks the patriotism of an American military leader in the field.

The First Amendment doesn't require the NYT or any newspaper to make money off the slanderous ravings of a far left-wing, anti-US military hate group, any more than it requires any newspaper from accepting ads paid for by Osama bin Laden.

When New York City was offered $10 million from a Saudi prince after 9/11, then mayor Rudy Guiliani told him where to stick it.

That's what the Times should have told to do with their despicable attack ad along with all the money they offered them to run it.

UPDATE: Then again maybe NYT's politics did have something to do with the ad and the rate quote after all.


  1. Has Congressman Sestak denounced the MoveOn advertisement? As a former military officer, even though fired, I would expect that he would be the first to come to the general's defense. Will he refuse to accept support from this group?

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  6. I have removed a post by David Diano quoting an article by an far left "news organization called IPS.

    The article quoted an anonymous source quoting a U.S. General calling Gen. Petraeus a number of ugly names.

    IPS is hardly a reliable news source and I will not have it quoted here as if it is, especially trashing a U.S. general in the field.

    Diano, if you want to quote such lame sources do it on your own wonderful web site. Do it again and you will lose your posting privileges.


  7. Hey, what happened to my posts? Didja have to toss out my brilliance along with David’s rubbish?

  8. As I recall one of them went something like this…

    We do not wage war by weepy Liberal consensus.

    Ya gotta admit that’s good stuff!

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  10. Point. Set. Match.

    Libs love to claim victory where there clearly is none.
    Gotta give this one to Gil.

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  12. David Diano apparently needs to learn the difference between opinion web sites that link to news stories and even satirical pieces and ideologues who pass themselves off as data gathering news services to bash U.S. Military men in the field.

    If he thinks IPS is a reliable source of information, that's up to him. I don't. He has his standards, I have mine. He's free to put that junk on his web site. He's not free to put it on here, however upsetting that is to him.

    Since, he did not quote IPS in his latest comment, his posting privileges here remain intact.

  13. Yep. Libs have hijacked and corrupted the “science” of fact gathering/distributing journalism. And their minions like David do their dishonest part to keep the engineered misinformation circulating.
    Modern Liberalism has become synonymous with lying on virtually every topic. I’m starting to seriously wonder if they are even capable of being honest anymore. Why anyone would vote them more power is beyond me. Unless they like being lied to.

  14. I didn't see any liberals on the deck of an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished banner.

    That's right you didn't! LMAO!

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