
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Spencerblog Announcement

I am concerned that the tone of a lot of the comments being made on this site are becoming increasingly personal and nasty.

At times, I have been guilty of running up too close to the line myself. Others have obviously crossed it.

So, let's remember, attack the argument not the person making it. Personal insults don't do anything to advance the discussion. And name-calling is, after all, middle-school stuff.

The Management

UPDATE: That doesn't mean I won't link to sites that promote this type of middle-school stuff. Like this one. But WE'RE better than that!


  1. I'm in and I'm Sorry.

  2. Ed -

    You're a good man.

    And I ashamedly admit I got a kick out of your diagnosis of you know who.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You’re not nearly as important as your Lib ego seems to think you are.

    What? How do you know I was talking about David?

  5. It’s not like I mentioned how he pleasures himself while reading Gene Lyin’s columns.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. But if I had been "born gay" it would be perfectly acceptable and wouldn't require treatment?


  8. Well, I see everybody's taking my advice.

  9. Gil, who do you admit nearly crossing the line with? Don't you think, before you ask people to go easy on you, that you owe those people an apology?

    I know the list would be long, but you're up to the challenge.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Gil doesn’t owe anyone an apology. He just wants the tone of his blog cleaned up. This is a reasonable request and I for one think it is shameful how David has soiled this place with all his dirty talk.

  12. please, Gil asking anyone to moderate his tone and "play nice" is hypocritical.

    Let's see him set the example.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. There’s that Lib advocating censorship again.

    Do you not soil this place with your childish and offensive dirty Libism, Dave?

    Hey Dave, why do you post here so much, anyway? Not enough traffic at your own board? Gee, I wonder why? Lol…

    And since you’re always posting links to your blog here, I hope you have a standing link to Gil’s blog on your site. It would be the honorable thing to do. ;)

  15. Randal & David - If I have to stop this car ... ;-)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I think others would agree that your graphic descriptions of gay sex and the orifices they use for their perversions would be considered disgusting, inappropriate or “dirty”.
    You’re the only one here who seems to enjoy such talk.

    I think that they also would agree that your site is lame.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. No, it was you. And I am no prude; you're just classless. And none to smart, seeing how you embrace Libism.

  20. Here's how you can start practicing what you preach, Gil:
    1. read today's Daily News article by Bill Bender (an actual reporter);
    2. make a public apology to the taxpayers of Penn Delco School District, Board member Kim Robinson, Board member Tony Ruggieri, and Solicitor Mark Sereni, for your having gone right along with clouding the truth about what really has been going on with the school district;
    3. stop relying on polluted sources to create your own "sensationalist stories" and start getting your facts straight.

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  22. I thought you were going to forgo the petty nitpicking like a woman, Dave?

    Just so you know, your pointing out my forgetting one of these “o” does not in any way negate the fact that you post filth here.
    Libs are petty like that. They really seem to think that such distraction somehow saves them in an argument. Like children they are!

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  24. Dear Concerned Neighbor/Loyal Client/Truth or Consequences (whatever your name is for the time being):

    The article in the Times today does not clear Mark Sereni, Kim Robinson and Tony Ruggieri from any wrongdoings. It's merely pointing out other people who's practices were shady too.

    Go sell your diversions somewhere else, no one's buying it.

  25. I can't believe that you think my site is middle-school stuff. You're nothing more than a big doo-doo head. :^)

    Thanks for the plug.

    As Always,
    Your Humble Servant
    Liberal Hypocrisy

  26. You can sling any of your silly Lib labels my way that you want to, Dave. They are meaningless. It’s not my fault that you are guided by your emotions, much like a female.
    What sort of self-respecting man would be a Liberal these days anyway?

    And you will find nothing racist in anything I have posted here. It will take more than you dishonestly calling it such to make it true.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Umm, there’s nothing “racist” about that. With 99% of the violent crime and murders in that city being perpetrated by blacks males at night, tossing 10,000 more into the mix could reasonably be seen as throwing more fuel on the black fire.

    See, you White Guilty-ridden apologist Liberals try to label any white who dares comment on any topic dealing with race a “racist”. And I already told you, your silly labels mean nothing. Because we’re not playing that calculated, conversation-limiting game anymore. Evolve, girlieman.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Still with the silly labels...
