
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Warrior's Warrior

Owen West has earned and deserves a listening to when it comes to Iraq, Gen. Petraeus and two fallen Marines named Zembiec and Mendoza.


  1. Outstanding article. This is the kind of responsible press coverage that our country needs. Not biased in either direction. Right down the middle with the truth.

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  3. Notice how Liberals hate even-handed military reports, reporting and opinion pieces. For all their chirping about “tolerance” they’re quite intolerant of anything that does not fit their preconceived notions they want to force on everyone else.

    So much for “honest debate” from the Left. Since we already know what they’ll say we may as well just go ahead and preclude them from all talks on such topics.

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  5. Aw, you Libs always weep when our enemies get killed.
    It’s all part of your misplaced sympathies thing.

    Heck, you guys don’t even like to see the violent criminal scumbags of our society put to death! Lol…

  6. David,

    I didn't see the Jon Stewart piece. From the way you explained it though, do you think maybe Bush is listening to his Military Commanders and echoing their thoughts, which could be good, common sense military strategies for where we stand right now in Iraq?

    As far as the article we are commenting on, I thought that it was about as fair and straight down the middle as someone can be. I didn't detect a bias to any political party. The only side I detected the author was on was that of common sense and the United States of America, which are two teams that I will be a life long fan of.

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  8. Nah. Why on earth would we listen to the traitors of the Surrender Left?
    And when did Jon Stewart become a serious political commentator? I musta missed that.

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  10. Todays top Generals graduated from their respective Military Academies in the 1970's. They were in the top percentages in their classes. They have been involved in war planning for 30 years and they have held Command Positions at all levels of Military Units. They have all the information that is available to make decisions, including top secret info that we do not see or know about. Their agenda is to win the war. I trust their expert opinion.

    Now I'm not trying to attack you personally here ( in accordance with the spencerblog directive) but do you have a resume like that? I know that you think you are right and feel passionately about this issue. Do you ever stop and think that maybe someone else, like a 4 star General who's been doing this stuff for 30+ years, could have a little more insight that you?

    Another thing that has been bugging me is that everybody thinks these guy's are "Bush's guys". They have been Commissioned Officers in the US Military for 30+ years. They have seen both parties hold the White House. I don't know how you can check on this, but I'll bet some of these guy's, probably a lot of them, were recommended to Congress, by Bill Clinton, for at least one of their promotions as a General.

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  12. The top generals that disagreed with Bush were pushed out or marginalized. The ones agreeing with Bush got the more important assignments.
    Bush and Petraeus having closely matched rhetoric...

    As is the case with every president.

  13. This is from Wikipedia's take on General Shinseki:

    Contrary to Democratic candidate John Kerry's claim, in the first debate of the 2004 presidential election, Shinseki was not "retired" for his testimony before Congress. His official term as Chief of the Army ended four months later and he retired as scheduled. [17] However, the tension between the civilians in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Shinseki were apparent.

    Besides, you just proved my point. Listen to the General's not the Civilians! I will totally agree with you that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were wrong. You'll chastise them for being wrong and then do the same thing with General Petraeus.

  14. Dave:

    Is there anything that you can think of that the Republicans, including our President, does right?

  15. It’s just disgusting how the Left will jump to attack their fellow Americans in all this when they say things they don’t want to hear. They really seem confused as to just who is the enemy.
    And they call this "patriotism".
