
Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Hard Team to Hate

Tragically, the old man is now a Met fan. He fell for them in the late 60s when were were living in Princeton and he was working in Trenton.

The excitement of the 1969 World Series certainly helped that relationship.

When he moved to back to Philly in the mid-70s, he became a born-again Philly fan. But then he went to New York and started cheating on the Phils with the Mets again.

From there he moved to Denver to become editor of the Denver Post and the expansion team Rockies lit up his life.

That flirtation didn't last. But it did for my stepmom, who still has great affection for the Rocks.

They're a hard team to hate. (Not like the Mets, thanks to their fans.) But we'll do our best the next few hours.

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