
Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Omen II

Back in 1980 when my old man was the editor of the Philadelphia Daily News he claims to have seen an omen concerning the Phils winning the World Series.

Having driven down a particular street for years without ever noticing its name, on the day of Game 6 against the Kansas City Royals, he looked up to see the name of the street was "Carlton."

That night Lefty, Steve Carlton, won 4 to 1, with a little help from Tug McGraw.

Today, my old man lives in New York City, and amazingly last Sunday something very similar happened.

He was walking home from a nearby convenience store and took a the back alley shortcut to his condo.

He looked up and saw the name of the street, a name he'd never noticed before.

The name of the street? Mets Blow 7-Game Lead With 17 to Play Avenue.

Is that a coincidence or what?


  1. When I was in Penncrest a buddy and myself cut out of school early one Fall day. We were thumbing it down the road and over pulls a little silver two-seater Mercedes. We jump in, both of us squeezing into the passenger seat. I recognize the smiling driver –it’s Tug McGraw. He seems amused by our astonishment at being picked up by such a known local sports celebrity. He’s a regular nice guy and we chat for the couple of miles he gives us a ride down the road. When we get out I wish him luck in the game that night. He says thanks and drives off. That night he won the World Series for the Phils. You’re welcome, Philly.

  2. R.I.P., Tug.
    You were a good Repub. Why is your boy such a stinking Lib?
