
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Election Day Forecast: Cloudy

After months of campaigning and making the case against the courthouse, attorney David Landau is seeking to become the first Democrat to sit on county council in 30 years. He appears to be the only Democratic candidate to that office to have a legitimate shot at winning.

He has given himself a puncher's chance by pounding away at the GOP monopoly on power and patronage in the county. The question is are enough people affected by this monopoly in a negative way that they will turn out to vote to end it.

The other question is will voters appreciate the manner in which Landau made the case or will they be put off by the negativity of his campaign. It seems unlikely that his running mates Ann O'Keefe and John Innelli will benefit from the stink he's made.

Whether Landau wins or loses today, what is clear is the county is trending Democratic and will be for some time.

There will come a day when a Democrat sits on county council and after that probably even a day when Democrats manage to take control. How Republicans handle that first sharing of power will matter and it certainly affect how they are treated when they are finally in the minority.

That will not happen this time around. But demographics don't lie. Tonight's election
results may give an indication of when that day will arrive. Will it be sooner rather than later?

In putting up good, experienced candidates as they have this time around, (as opposed to say, two decent and one hack) the GOP can stave off the future indefinitely, but not forever.

Nothing in politics lasts forever.


  1. How Republicans handle that first sharing of power will matter and it certainly affect how they are treated when they are finally in the minority.

    This isn't so. The filthy Donkeys care nothing about turnabout fair play. Just look at how they've handled their new power in DC.

  2. Randal -

    The stinky pachyderms weren't much better when they were in power. They spent and spent and spent. Built up their little fiefdoms and didn't get much good done the last 12 years.

    Delco isn't DC. And its a good thing too.

  3. The day the Delco Dems win the courthouse is still a long ways off. The Dems lost by more this time than they did in 2005. Since then, we have had nothing but the anti-Bush message from the press, Weldon's problems, Rendell's election and the fart in the dust storm "case against the courthouse". Next year, in a Rudy vs. Hillary matchup, the independent minded 15% of county voters come back to the Republicans and even some loyal Dems will be switching to Repub because of Hillary.
