
Monday, November 5, 2007

Not So Sicko!

Economist Greg Mankiw explains why America's "health care crisis" isn't really a crisis, explodes a few myths and warns the cure could be a lot worse than the malady.


  1. Gee, Liberals are lying to us about this just as they lie to us about global warming. Post something we didn’t know.

  2. Just as Gil admittedly lied on his blogs and articles. I thought "Not so sicko!" was going to be autobiographical.

  3. Grow up you petty little nothing.

  4. randal, I have to hand it to you, you really have quite a collection of zingers. How do you get out of Gil's butt long enough to think them up?

  5. This just in, Local #6q0 - Megan's LAw Offendors has just endorsed Frank Daly for Common pleas! WOOHOO

    How you endorse Daly over Mallon I'll never understand...

  6. Steve:

    The choice was easy in terms of the newspaper endoresement. Mallon is a nice guy, but he has no experience. It is sad, but he doesn't even know where the courtrooms are in the courthouse. Same goes for Brennan. They are both hacks from the republican party.

  7. Another meritless criticism from the blindly partisan and petty Dems.
    Who knows where everything is at a new job?

  8. Randal, are you completely nuts? Are you posting from an asylum? "Who knows where everything is at a new job?" What a moron.

  9. Well it looks like they’ll both be getting to find their way around. Hehehe…

    At least Daly didn’t get his Lib foot in the door.
