
Friday, February 15, 2008

Obi-Wan Obama

Many, both on the left and right, are starting to notice the "cultish" aspects of Obamania, including Chucky Hammer.

There has been a lot of swooning, lately. Could Obi-wan be in for a backlash? Count on it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like Lib Dave suffers from Barrack Hussein Obamaitis and will defend him at all cost.
    (We already know he’s one of them overly emotional folks who irrationally hates Bush more than he hates terrorists.)
    You are easily led, Dave. It’s really rather pathetic. Get a grip, man.

  3. Actually, Diablo, it wasn't Chuck who predicted we'd be greeted with flowers in Iraq it was an exiled Iraqi national named KANAN MAKIYA.

    "I most certainly do agree with that. As I told the President on January 10th, I think they will be greeted with sweets and flowers in the first months and simply have very, very little doubts that that is the case.

    Moreover, we were. As Christopher Hitchens recalls:

    “..there are people who say that that never happened… Well I saw it happen with my own eyes and no one's going to tell me that I didn't. I saw it with--months after the invasion, people still lining the roads, especially in the south…still lining the roads and waving and the children waving which is always the sign because if the parents don't want them to, they don't. I'll never forget, you know, I will not allow it to be said that that did not happen. And in the marshes too--the marsh area of the country which was drained and burned out by poison by Saddam Hussein. Again, almost hysterical welcome and in Kurdistan in the north..”

    The problem was the welcome didn't last, for a variety of reasons and U.S. mistakes.

    But let's not get too sidetracked. The post was about Obama. And as I wrote (and Krauthammer too) it isn't just conservatives who are skeptical of his "message" of "hope."

    Many liberals from James Wolcott to Joe Klein are raising questions about the sustainability of Obama's appeal. Are they all wingnuts too?

    As for you Randal, lighten on Diablo, He's having a tough day.

  4. Trying to defend Libism will do that to a guy.

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  6. Diablo,

    I think you're right. Everything is lining up perfectly for the Democrats (with great Republican help) and yet, they still seem quite capable of blowing it.

    The feckless Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid haven't gotten a thing done in Congress. Popularity rating is in the toilet. Good. The less that gets done in Congress the better for the country.

    Dems should pick up seats with Republican retirements.

    But McCain could well pick up the Indies both parties need for the White House.

    Hillary's argument against Barry is a good one. No experience. There isn't a whit of difference between the two of them policy-wise.

    Where she is not likeable, he is. But his talk about unifying the country with HOPE is high school stuff. Many smart liberals are starting to get it, even if you don't.

    Should he get elected watch for the shortest honeymoon in history. Before long, you'll be calling him names just like you did Joe Sestak.

    To believe the country will be smarter and safer with him in the Oval Office is a pipe dream. But then, that's what he's selling.

  7. "To believe the country will be smarter and safer with him in the Oval Office is a pipe dream. But then, that's what he's selling."

    Yep, and your idol Bush is an articulate Rhodes Scholar.

  8. Hey, show some respect for your President.

  9. Hey Snarkidiot:

    President Bush is very articulate, but not as glib as some libs. At least Bush did not go to Oxford, have sex in the White house with an intern, get impeached, or lie to a grand jury.

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  11. More thoughtful insights from Dear Leader;

    CURRY: You don't agree with that? It has nothing do with the economy, the war -- spending on the war?

    BUSH: I don't think so. I think actually the spending in the war might help with jobs...because we're buying equipment, and people are working. I think this economy is down because we built too many houses and the economy's adjusting.

  12. What could possibly hurt someone’s delicate feelings so bad to make them so irrationally and viciously hate the President of the United States, causing them to keep spouting the same lame half truths? Some folks really need to get a grip on their fragile emotions (Dave).

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  14. The fact remains that you are a card-carrying member of the Shrill Hurt Feelings crowd. And all that irrational Lib emotion interjected into civil debate is kind of feminine PMS-y.

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  16. Ah, you went with the KKK jab instead of your usual Hitler tag. Deep. I wonder what Godwin would have to say about that?

    And you forgot the part where I called you feminine. How any educated, self respecting, hetero white male could be a Lib these days is beyond me.

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  18. Pardon my assumption but are you indeed an educated, self respecting hetero white male, Dave?
    Apologist… guilt-ridden… emasculated… misplaced sympathies… dishonest… emotional… maybe gay curious… From here you sure look like a mess.

    “There is no such thing as a truly ‘proud’ Liberal.”
