
Friday, February 15, 2008

Tuning In to the New WB

Patterico has a waterboarding quiz.

Take it.

UPDATE: I passed with flying colors.

UPDATE II: Be sure to read the comments at Patterico. Very interesting (Here, too.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry Diablo. You flunk. Better luck next time.

  3. (He didn't show up at the weekly "I Hate America" meeting, and he's the one that brings the chips.)

    And Dave brings the dip.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm gonna have to invoke Godwin’s Law here.

    Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:

    As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
    Godwin's law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Hitler or Nazis or their actions.

    Godwin has argued[3] that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact.

    He who mentions Nazism first LOSES!

    Sorry, Dave.

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  7. Wiggle all ya want, Dave. You indeed invoked the Hitler/Gestapo caparison here. And this isn’t the first time. You regularly pull out that childish slam as you grasp in desperation to refute the wisdom of wholesome Conservatism with your pathetic and feminine Liberalism. And Godwin’s Law doesn’t say anything about Devil comparisons. Sorry.
    You’re not very good at this. Care to try again? (snicker)

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  9. I just have one question for Dave. When someone calls you a name you always make a point of saying how it is "third grade" or how your views are "superior" to the others views, therefore the phrase doesn't bother you. In this, you are desperately trying to act better than the person (whether it be Gil, Randal, etc). Yet, you never cease with your name calling of other.

    So why is it childish for them to call you names when you are just as guilty as them? Is it because you went to a wanna-be Ivy League and you are assuming they went to a state college?

    I'm all for people debating their views (Dave does show some valid points in his vast posts), but people who feel they are better than others is the most childish tactic of all, and you do this all the time Dave.

  10. Sorry, Dave. I'm taking the win here.
    Ya gonna call me a Hitler now? Teehehe...

  11. Dave,
    I think Mike makes a pretty good point.

    Randal, you should take it too.

    BTW, Dave when you write:

    "(Don't worry, you're far to unintelligent and insignificant... )"

    It's far TOO unintelligent and insignificant... just so you know.

  12. Lol... He's so easy.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Ah, there’s some more of that deep intellectual “honest debate” from a Lib. Lol…

    You're digging yourself deeper, Ivy Dave. You are proof that level of "education" does not equal smarts.

  15. There you have it. Liberal Dave believes that God is a fictional character. That is all it takes to be a liberal. Denounce God! Denouncing God is central to liberalism as liberalism is a ship adrift that believes in "whatever". Any belief in God is a moral anchor that liberals can not live with.

  16. David,

    If it bothers you to be called Diablo, I will stop. I thought it had a kind of rakish sound to it.

    You've got to admit actually comparing you to Satan would be giving even YOU too much credit.

    (Remember that when using "too" as a modifier or meaning "also" it has two o's, something I shouldn't have to remind someone of your educational stature. But then maybe an Ivy League education isn't what it used to be.)

    Or is it fairer to say, we all make mistakes when we write (or think) in haste?

  17. Also, people who are surprised to find out that "assignation" is actually a word should not be lambasting others for their assumed lack of education.

    Just make your argument and get on with it.

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  19. treat the typo catch as winning the argument

    This is exactly what you do. And it illustrates the usual depth of your "arguments".

    Btw, I’m agnostic. But I well know that the God-fearing, church-going folks are by and large better people than the filthy, morally-challenged godless Libs that would spite them and remove all mention of God from our society.

    I’m cool with the God. We just don’t talk.

  20. Gee, I guess that makes me more tolerant than Libs!

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  22. Dionski,
    I set the bar low and you still have a hard time jumping over it.

    If you don't like the Diablo moniker I'll lose it.

    Just be glad we don't all live in Canada. (See above.)

  23. Is it just me or is Lib Dave coming across as the most intolerant and angry bigot of all in every thread?

    So much for all that Lib "tolerance" they're always chirping about.

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  25. Gee, I don’t know, Dave… Considering how you hate Bush and everything remotely Right (and right) Republican or Conservative… Godly... Heck, anything that does not abide by your strict (and warped) Liberal interpretation and you get to lashing out and name calling and slinging your silly labels… That all seems pretty darn intolerant and bigoted to me.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. See what I mean. Lol...
