
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spencerblog Announcement on Comment Decorum...

... for those interested can be found in the comments section


  1. Spencerblog will not name names, but some of you (Randal, David, C. Scott) are crossing the line when it comes to name-calling.

    But it isn't just the name-calling. It's the mean-spirited insults.

    We at Spencerblog would prefer all insults to be more happily spirited.

    Spencerblog does not want to get to the point where all comments are reviewed before they are posted but that could happen if you boys don't start behaving yourselves better.

    The management will continue to delete comments it finds offensive, gratuitiously nasty, or just plain rude.

    We've let a lot slide recently but our tolerance has limits, and that means you especially, Mr. Mayor.

    As the Virginian said, "When you call me that, smile."

    Better not to call people names in the first place. You could get shot. Or worse, deleted.

  2. Can I still call Dave a "Lib"? Because that’s the worst insult I can think of.

  3. I mean, as long as you're smiling.

  4. Those guys are like kids. I looked through some of the comments you're talking about, and one of them actually said, "Well, YOU started it!"

    Geez...that's the kind of debate 6 year olds have. Impressive, fellas. The level of intelligent discourse is through the roof!

  5. I fear being deleted from the almighty Spencerblog.

  6. Steve,
    You're in the clear as far as I can tell.
    The Management

  7. That's because it's abundently clear that I am not using the "q" word enough. Maybe I can aspire to those standards by running for mayor of Rutledge

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  9. Man is Dave a sniveling apologist p...

    Oops. :)

  10. Dave, there's plenty of other blogs you can call home. Try any of the political ones at, or try my favorite: PA-7 Watch - Joe Sestak, Progressive Patriot.

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  12. Steve:

    Move to Rutledge and run against me. Even you have been programmed to believe that "queer" is a derogatory slur, when in fact it also means mentally unbalanced or deranged. I don't know Diano, but his comments are certainly mentally unbalanced and deranged.

    That is your "PC" lesson of the day.

    Lastly, about the Mayor thing, please do it and if you beat me at the polls you can take over the many hours of work I give to the Borough as well as to the County Assn of Boroughs, all of which I do without asking for any compensation. In fact, I am the only Mayor (that I am aware of) in the County that gives back my stipend. Bet you didn't know that.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  13. Scott,

    The most common use of the word "queer" in this day and age (and even in others) is as a derogatory anti-gay slur - that is when it is not being used by gay people to describe each other.

    That said, it is not permissible to use the term here at Spencerblog.

    I know you're trying to be clever but you're not succeeding here. It is one thing to defend the free speech of religious cranks (I'm with you on that). It is another to become a crank yourself.

    Restrain yourself. Or I'll do it for you.

  14. C. Scott,

    I must apologize, my knowledge of Rutledge and their government is very weak, so I can't comment. I know that Media's mayor has little powers (Weak mayor government - is that what they call it?) and spends his monthly meeting reading a brief report and sleeping. In this day and age and having a public status such as yours I can't imagine going after someone on a blog and constantly referring to him as "queer". I disagree with Diano on most views (Environment seems like our only common ground to this point), but name calling isn't necessary.

    I didn't think you thought so low of me. I have to be honest, I honestly never heard of Hal Turner before, but his website humored me. His description of Obama in the post you referred to made me laugh. Obviously, if people take him seriously they need to check themselves for tumors.

    By the way, does Progressive Patriot Joe Sestak drink fair trade coffee? Did you see the editorial by your neighbor in Broomall today?;jsessionid=kXMhHqDGlTBtW20PyLLMnjgWFh51rdTyLylyLQwpQ7L0Qwps1ytG!-1495536819?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_article&r21.pgpath=%2FDCT%2FOpinion&r21.content=%2FDCT%2FOpinion%2FHeadlineList_Story_1791419

  15. The most common use of the word "queer" in this day and age (and even in others) is as a derogatory anti-gay slur - that is when it is not being used by gay people to describe each other.

    A little gay double standard afoot here, Mr. Blog Admin?
    Is this like, it's ok for blacks to call one another n***** while it remains the ultimate taboo for whites to use the word? Is this place going Lib?

  16. Classically liberal - which doesn't hold that respect for a certain level of decorum isn't a way for the white, patriarchal hegemony to oppress the disadvantaged and under-enfranchised but is just a more pleasant and civilized way to live.

    Got it?

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  18. Got it?

    I got it. But if Dave's gay friends show up here and start calling one another "queer" I'm joining in on the fun. This here cracka don't abide by no selective double standards.

  19. I just got out of court, and I am laughing my ass off that the use of the "q" word is not allowed.

    Oh brother! Gil, will you be at the trial of Marcavage on 4/22/08 for peacefully preaching at the Liberty Bell. Nothing cranky about this case. In fact, you should try it.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  21. Dave, I think you're wasting your time with your overly liberal sense of what our government should be.

    “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

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  24. Or better yet, Dave could call the judge a “bigot” just because he disagrees with his rulings.
    Hey, Dave, do you call your clients bigots too? Do you also call them “Hitlers” and “KKK” members?

  25. Why, I am a client of Mr. Diano and never has he addressed me in such a manner.
    I must say that I feel his behavior here on this blog is less than professional and I will be taking my business elsewhere.

  26. I guess our Blog Admin doesn’t like the term “breeder” –the common gay slur for straight folks.

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  28. How do you know it’s phony, Dave? That’s about how I imagined one of your clients might react if they were to see the sort of offensive things you post here regularly.

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  30. Oh, now, Dave, let’s be honest… While your clients may indeed be aware of your Lib politics, somehow I very much doubt you permit them to see the abrasive and offensive, shrill and childish name-calling -very immature and unprofessional- brand of Libism you regularly post here. I just don’t believe it. And we’ve seen the level of dishonesty you display, so…

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  32. a little late, but i guess i should respond anyway...

    I haven't looked up anything about the Hal Turner/Sean Hannity friendship (and right now nor do I care to do so), but if they are friends and if Hannity takes him seriously, than shame on him. I know Hannity was on the radio Wednesday afternoon slamming another preacher who claimed Obama was "born trash" and his father was "out whoring", both of which are uncalled for of course.

    However, my issue here is that Obama is running for the highest position inthe land. HAnnity, love him or hate him, is part of the media, the same as bill maher, the same as ann coulter, the same as rush, Ingraham, Olberman, etc. I'll be conccerned if Hannity runs for president...

  33. Diano:

    You still don't get it, your "views" and mine (or anyone else's), is a matter of conscience. One of the reasons why our Nation has been so great is because you have that freedom of conscience. It wasn't until about 40 years ago and more recently that your side of the debate has used tags (divisive names) in an effort to push your agenda, adn to shut down any debate. Your agenda has opposition from people like me just like my views encounter opposition from you.

    That said, I am very comfortable in my viewpoint and as a Christian, I know where I end up and I also know that my side wins.

    Now, I would like to know why you care about someone's politics or their views, or why an employer would care either. I know for me, some people do not like my viewpoint, but many of these same people have come to know that they can count on me to do my job, protect their interests (whatever they may be), and to protect their community.

    Diano Edwards, what do you do to make your community better? Do you volunteer for anything?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  35. Dear Mr. Blog Administrator,
    I find Dave Diano’s repeated use of “666” in addressing Mr. Shields to be very offensive. Clearly it is the most mean spirited slur he can come up with, mocking not only of Mr. Shields but all people of faith. If Mr. Shields is forbidden from calling Dave a “queer” then Diano should be barred from using this slur which is obviously intended to be not good natured and lighthearted but vicious and insulting and demeaning.
    Also, if you recall, the cowardly Hypocrite Dave Diano cried like a little school girl in a pink dress with a skinned knee when you playfully referred to him as “Diablo”, which is the same as “666”.
    Please show some fairness and balance in moderating this blog. If the Lib in you can overreact and bar any derogatory reference to gays, no matter how playfully offered, then the Rightie in you should do the same for the filthy, Godless, hate-filled religion basher.
    Randal –charter member of Spencerblog

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  37. Wiggle all ya want, Dave. I wasn’t defending Shields. This is about YOU. We’ve all seen your common Lib habit of counter what you perceive to be discrimination with even more offensive and intolerant discrimination. You do it whenever you’re defending gays, blacks, the godless… You are a classic filthy Lib hypocrite. And then you lie about it too. Lol… You are a pathetic shell of a man. I really mean that.

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  39. Dear Lib Liar Hypocrite Dave,
    When have I ever "promoted discrimination"? I demand examples of this discrimination that you say I have promoted with exact dates and times and quotes. (See, because an apologist like you who sees a racist or a homophobe behind every black or gay tree simply calling me such doesn't make it true.)
    Not caving to unreasonable modern gay demands like creating a special right for gay "marriage" because they want it, or opposing Affirmative Discrimination because it discriminates against whites is not discrimination by any dishonest Apologist Lib stretch.

  40. Diano:

    Me too! When have I ever discriminated? A disagreement with you is not discrimination, even though your side views disagreements as hate. It is so intellectually shallow.


  41. the "40 mules and an acre" wasn't one of the brighter moments on this blog...

  42. That silly swipe does not prove any “discrimination” as Dave charged, Steve.

    And, seriously, my making fun of the whole “40 acres and a mule” thing that the Daves still whine about from time to time is a whole lot less offensive than them actually advocating it or using it as some tired scolding evidence of unpaid white debt to blacks blahblahblahweepweep…

    And stop going all PC on me. That’s Apologist Dave’s job.
