
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Polar Bears, Now Frogs

Frogs aren't disappearing because of Global Warming?

Why are people still talking and writing about this sort of thing? Isn't the debate supposed to be over.

Al Gore, look away.

UPDATE: If not climate change, what caused this?


  1. Lol... Was that “raining frogs” vid Algore’s latest inconvenient “proof” of global sky falling?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, stop, Dave. Your “arguments” go SPLAT! like a frog falling from the sky onto the pavement.

    There isn't a debate about the existence or harm of global warming.

    Sure there is. Just as Algore declaring the debate being “over” when, well, it is far from over. It takes more than simply saying something to make it true.

    You really do believe every single little thing the Left has told you you should be upset about, huh? I’ve gotta tell ya, this really doesn’t say much for your ability at independent thought or your critical thinking skills.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sure the earth is warming a bit. It does that from time to time. Been doing it for eons and it will continue to do so. Once this warming cycle stops and things start cooling down, we can expect the Lib Chicken Littles to start weeping about the dire perils of man-made “global cooling!” and how we need to take immediate and drastic measures to correct this. Oh, and they'll try to sell us something called "carbon credit$" to save the world from this cooling.
    Say you saw it here first.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh boy, the queer is at it again. I think that it was 1974 and the sky was then falling due to the coming ice age. Global warming is a hoax, and it is being used to stomp out capitalism.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  8. Global warming is not a hoax; it is a Liberal lie.
    Well, really, it is true… but as I pointed out above, it’s just part of the earth’s natural cycle. That it’s man made and the shrill and dire doom & gloom of impending disaster that we keep hearing from the Left, that’s the Lib lie part. And those “carbon credit$” –whatever they are- they keep trying to sell us, they’re crap too.
