
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

There Will Be Cheese Whiz

Joey Vento gets more national exposure. Good.

These sorts of inquisitions need to shown up for what they are. The country would be a better place if these sort of bureaucrats and thought-crime bureacracies were put out of business. They won't be though. These people like their little gigs of "pretending to care" about "victims" and the power to play judge and jury a little too much.


  1. Everyone is sick and tired of this sort of PC “sensitivity” BS. Why does anyone still listen to Libs? …or grant them any power to abuse at all?

    Further, 80%+ of the country agrees that English should be our National Language. But the LibDems disregarded our will and blocked the effort. So who are they working for if not us, their countrymen and constituents?

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  3. diano still proves to be an short-sighted analyst. Pat's and Geno's are for tourists, REAL Philadelphians understand that the best joints are your Steve's Chink's, and Dellasandro's.

    The sign was perfect as-is. Joey Vento took a bold step forward in the face of the PC-world and won.

  4. I thought the whole thing was stupid, especially since anyone offended can walk across the street and get a Pat's steak.

    GASP! That’s not very Lib “sensitive” of you, Dave! And are you advocating the free market sorting it out??!! What the heck has gotten into you?!

    Maybe you just hate Mexicans so they aren’t one of your beloved victim groups that need protecting like they are helpless children. Say, how would you feel if the sign said “Please do not order in ebonics”?

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  6. To the queer:

    People who exercise their right to free speech do not like getting arrested or hauled before a tribunal to defend their right to engage in protected speech/expression. If people like you get your way, what will be next? Will you come into our homes and ask what we feed our children, what we teach them, or the titles of books that we read?

    Vento got screwed and he was represented for free by an organization that cares far more about the Constitutional rights than you do.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Here’s a site Dave should like…

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