
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

About Those "Different Learning Styles..."

Heather Mac Donald offers a lesson in Afrocentric education. Make that, miseducation, of the sort supported by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and eaten up by white liberals.

Money Q:

"This leveling argument recalls the bizarre doctrines of University of Pennsylvania law professor Regina Austin. In a widely reprinted California Law Review article from 1992, Austin asserted that the black community should embrace the criminals in its midst as a form of resistance to white oppression. People of color should view “hustling” as a “good middle ground between straightness and more extreme forms of lawbreaking.” Examples of hustling include “clerks in stores [who] cut their friends a break on merchandise, and pilfering employees [who] spread their contraband around the neighborhood.” It never occurs to Austin that these black thieves may have black employers who suffer the effects of black crime—as do the larger neighborhoods of which they form the essential fabric. Officially incorporating crime into the black identity, as Austin and Wright do, is a pathetic admission of defeat and marginalization."

Read the whole thing.


  1. Real nice. This is the sort of "field leveling" the Apologist Daves promote.

    Officially incorporating crime into the black identity

    Sure. Nothing new here.

  2. Btw, this link is bad. It takes you to the McCain story and not the story about the worthless and harmful black racist "education".

  3. Kinda sad that Exelon's planning a new power plant in the area and it's still powered by fossil fuels.

    Click Here

    Perfect candidate for Nuculear...
