
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

John McCain: Prisoner of War Hero

Karl Rove tells tales on John McCain. Congressional Medal of Honor winner Col. Bud Day recounts their time together in the Hanoi Hilton.

Read it and I dare you not to be impressed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. did she give him oral in the oval office?

  3. Yeah. Who cares, Petty Dave?
    At least McCain didn't attend a black militant church for 20 years like your man B. Hussein Obama.

  4. Why would Lib Dave so hate a patriotic American Military war hero like McCain?
    Never mind, we know why… Patriotic… Military… America… war… heroes… all things the Daves can’t stand.

  5. Oh, and McCain is also white.
    Man, the Daves must really hate him!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nice age discrimination there, Dave. That’s not very Lib of you.
    What, Obama would somehow be better for the job because he is younger? His many downsides make his age moot. Lol… Keep trying, Dave…

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Seriously though, our country would be much better off having a dull McCain than a sharp Obama. Sharp Radical Libism idiocy is the worst kind because dopes start to believe it.

  10. so family values should mean abortions for all?

    Being the God-less type you are, I think the rest of us need to take your version of 'family values' with a grain of salt

  11. Family values? Dave??

    Gay marriage… baby murder on demand… all the while teaching kids by example that winning at ALL cost –to things like honesty integrity and the truth- is what is most important…

    Better make that a grain silo of salt, Steve.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Seriously Gil, Karl "Rover Bend Over" thrashed John to no end in 2000, allowing that MIC (Moron In Charge) to thumb is putrid nose at America for how many years??????

    Rove needs to have a hood placed over his head.

  14. Wow. Them hurt feelings can really make a childish Lib hate their fellow Americans.

    Tell us, Anon, just what has Rove done to you PERSONALLY that would cause you to hold such hatred for him and wish him physical harm?
    Nothing? Oh, then this is just another case where you are all upset over what you have been told by the LibDems you should be mad about.

    If I were Dave I would say that you should recieve a visit from the Secret Service for your threats. But I know Libs are really just cowardly blowhards.

  15. To Anon and Diano:

    Which one of you is more perfect than the other? With your bashing of anything Republican, what do you do if Hussein loses the nomination. Do you the support the hag?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire
