
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Another Review is In...

Daily Times reader and Diane Hamill schoolmate, Nadine Blanchard, reviews "Women Behind Bars."

"Well, the Diane show is over. Interestingly she said her father always wanted a son (brother came much later) so she was a tomboy growing up. She talked about playing sports all the time. Geez, as I recall, she could barely bounce a basketball. At that time gym class for girls meant throwing the javelin, broadjumping, discus and shotput and field hockey. Her homework was always perfect and her test scores were
always nearly the best but an athlete... not.

"Ernie Preate was her big champion on her last try for freedom : a crook and a liar (perhaps that word is too harsh), what a pair. I feel sorry for her... she looks pathetic... but those four boys lost their mother. That is pathetic.

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