
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chelsea: The Best Clinton

Though I have rather low regard for her parents and their politics, Chelsea Clinton is aces with me.

She is brave and loyal and like both her parents she can take a punch.

Several times in the last few weeks while she has been campaigning for her mother she has been asked about the impeachment of her father and the circumstances surrounding it.

In this day and age, I suppose such questions are fair -- tasteless but fair -- and she answered them quite well.

"If that's what you want to vote on," she said, "that's what you should vote on. But I think there are other people (who are) going to vote on things like health care and economics."

Good answer. Next question.


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  3. I can't get enough of the "hee-hawing" line!

    Dave, they could do what true libs want to do in a PC world, give randall a trophy and send him home with the other little leaguers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh brother. You are so petty, Dave. And you really need to work on your brand of "humor". Give it up. All I said was that Chelsea was hot now. This, as opposed to the not very veiled threats of violence against others you make here regularly.

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  7. Randal,

    That was not all you said or we would not have taken it down.

    It was not a threat. It was tasteless and ugly but it was not a threat.

    Clean it up or find somewhere else to post

  8. don't even get us started with 'pimping'...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Too bad she is a Clinton!

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  11. Dave’s just smarting from the many times I have made him look like an utter fool here, is all. So his hurt feelings cause him to grasp at anything in a pathetic effort to even the score. But, as usual, he can’t do it without exaggerating and lying.
    See how whiny Liberals get when they get their fragile feelings hurt and they lose. Lol… What a coward.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Dave prolly doesn’t think Chelsea is hot. Maybe Dave prefers men.

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  15. I'd have to speak with your wife befroe I believe that, Dave.

    Tape… a sock… Hey, whatever it takes to silence that annoying Donkey hee-hawing.

  16. randal,

    go to town buddy...
