
Sunday, April 6, 2008

College Kids and Obama

According the Politico, Obama isn't making many inroads with Pa. college students. At least he has this kid's vote. (Check out the pic.)

If you read the entire post you'll get down to Anne Kolker from Swarthmore College. She said she's been signing Obamicans, left and right. Well, just left, but you know what I mean.

I met Anne on Election Day in 2006, when she was getting out the vote for Joe Sestak in Springfield. Joe's a Hillary Clinton guy. Looks like Joe's support isn't cutting much ice with the younger crowd.


  1. It’s crazy how fast all the Libs bailed from the Clinton love machine the moment a black was running. They really are filled with guilt and, as B. Hussein Obama himself said, they’re looking to “buy some affirmative action on the cheap” …while betraying their longtime lovers and throwing rocks at them. Man, not much loyalty with them Libs, not when there’s a black man around to vote for.

  2. There was another college educated Obamaniac in the paper today:

    "I feel like my entire hope and dream for America lies on this man’s shoulders.”

    Talk about brainwashed. No wonder he’s getting all the college kids’ votes. I wonder if she knows he's a black militant?

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  4. Wha?! Then what the heck was B. Hussein Obama doing “dabbling in black militancy back in college” –this, by his own admission in his book- and attending a Black Militant church for 20 years then??!!

    And in PA, even out-of-state college kids can register to vote here so long as they have been here for 30 days and haven’t voted in another state’s primary. This is the College Student Residency Requirement Clause in our election code, made just for them.

    Just maybe you're too "educated", Dave. ;)

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  6. Jeez, Dave, I wonder what a black church would have to do to earn your labeling it Black Militant. That must be a pretty high standard. Hehehe…

    And I wonder if you would be so forgiving if, say, McCain had attended a white supremacy church for 20 years? Hehehe… again.

    Seriously, dude, you're grasping. Your White Guilt and black apologistism make you a pathetic man. It makes you turn against your own kind just as quick as you turn against your country.

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  8. You're really grasping in your hair splitting, Dave. Everyone here knows that you would not be nearly so forgiving/excusing/apologizing if we were talking about McCain and a white racist church.
    Give it up.

    It is because of Libs like you that things like the Racial Double Standard continue. You folks' days are numbered. The rest of America has had enough of that crap.
    No matter the final outcome, the best thing about this election season has been the airing of all this racial stuff that had been hidden from view by Libs like you. Whitey is waking up. Evolve, man.

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  10. Advocating violence is the key criteria for militancy.
    Since when is this the case? You’re just making it up –and definitions- as you go along now! Lol… The surest sign of grasping.
    And black churches like Wright’s Trinity spout plenty of veiled threats of violence anyway. Plenty. When he says things like evening the score and rising up against the White Devil what do you suppose he’s talking about? Buying whitey some popsicles and some puppies?

    Splitting hairs, grasping, dishonest distortions… you’re really pulling out all your Apologist Lib to defend this Black Racist Candidate. That White Guilt is a bitch. And, again, you would not do any of this to defend the white candidate or a white racist church. What the heck happened to you?

    And I already told ya, don’t let those false numbers get your false hopes up. A couple of new polls came out today that don't look good for your Affirmative Action Candidate.

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  12. All that effort and yet nothing saying “Militant” means violence must be involved.
    Most reasonable people know –as both you and I do- that Obama’s church of 20 years would well fit the description of a Militant Black Church. Because it is. Your pathetic apologist spinning does nothing to change this.


    The very latest poll says that white males are turning away from your Affirmative Action Candidate. No, not “racist white males” just regular old “typical” white males in general. You know, thinking ones that don’t suffer from White Guilt causing them to blindly support the black candidate –any black candidate no matter how unfit for the office. (Try looking in the mirror to find one of these elusive white male Obama supporters.) ;)


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  14. Sorry, Dave. You’re delusional because, well, you’re delusional. I guess all that apologist guilt will do that to a Lib. But it takes more than hope and spin on a silly message board to change reality. Read it and weep.

    Barack Obama lost ground among certain groups of voters in the battleground state of Pennsylvania during the last week, according to a new poll.

    If the Democratic Primary were held in Pennsylvania Tuesday, Hillary Clinton would beat Obama by 18 percentage points, according to the results of a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for NBC 10 and three other TV stations across the Keystone State.

    The poll concluded that the results were nearly identical to one of its polls released a month ago, stalling the momentum Obama picked up at the end of March.

    Women and white voters barely budged and continued to support Clinton at more than 60 percent, as they have in the previous two Survey USA polls.

    However, a change in men's support has negatively affected Obama.

    Last week, Obama moved within 12 percentage points of Clinton, but men who flirted with the notion of voting for Obama at the end of March appear to be moving their support back to Clinton.

    The poll suggests that men make up 42 percent of likely voters.

    Obama also lost ground among voters between 35 and 49, down 18 points, while Clinton continued to lead among voters 50 and older.

    Obama also lost ground among moderates and liberals and conservatives. Clinton only fell among conservatives.

    And everyone else knows that B. Hussein Osama's church is black militant. The entire 20 years he's been going.

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  16. He's only gaining in the Donkey Primary while losing in the real battle, the general election prospects. If Hillary wins PA she will also be able to use such polling predictions in her argument for superdeligates at the Donkey Convention that she would be the stronger candidate in the Fall. Because she would be.

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  18. "Another lie"?? When have I ever lied here? YOU are the convicted liar of this blog.

    Well, I can’t speak for others but… Oh, wait a minute, yes I can!
    Most normal, thinking people (as opposed to guilt-ridden apologist rabid blind partisan Libs dopes like you) don’t want your Black Militant Affirmative Action Candidate running our country. So, yes, they are willing to assist in assuring Hillary’s dominance even if it means she’s the ultimate occupant of the Oval Office. No one dislikes Hill more than me but she is a far sight better than turning our country over to a hollow, though slickly packaged, Donkey -The Most Radical Liberal in Congress- and a black militant one at that.

  19. Oh, and you’ll be distraught to know that historically, Repubs that jump party return at a rate of 80% after the election. So much for all your false hope hee-hawing about increasing Donkey ranks in PA. Lol…

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  21. Diano Edwards:

    I can finally agree with you on something. The County Repulican party is showing its age. The party leaders have completely abandoned the conservative message, and are running through strength in numbers and organization. That will do the party in. In fact, I sort of hope that we go through another democratic surge as it will take the system to get really messed up before people realize that liberalism is a lie.

    Libs bitch about republican control, but the dems controlled the house of reps for 40+ years prior to 1994. Wasn't that too long? What if the republicans controlled the house for that long? The repubs had contol of the House until January 2007 (14 years) and the libs felt that was an assault on democracy. What say you Diano Edwards?

  22. Yeah, lets see if we hear all this LibDem weeping about lack of “checks and balances”, as we have all the years Repubs have been in control, should they take the White House and control both houses of Congress.

    Locally, it was the Dems who did away with the minority party charter which ensured a seat for minority party representation. They did away with this in an underhanded effort to shut out Repubs. But then they cry about it when it works against them.

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