
Monday, April 7, 2008

Starbucks Laissez Unfaire

Funny piece by David Boaz on Starbucks refusal to allow the words "laissez faire" on one of its personalized coffee cards.

Someone should try to get "Don't Tread on Me" past the Starbucks message police. Be sure and let Spencerblog know if you succeed.

But politely. Spencerblog may be more tolerant than Starbucks but we have our standards, low as they may be.


  1. Clearly $tarbucks is run by Liberal hypocrites as it permits the advocacy of Socialism while enjoying reaping mega profits here in this free market. And the apparent double standard had the unmistakable smelled of fine roasted Libism too.

  2. Holy Schmeggy, Mayor C. Scott's a guest Columnist today! Where's guest Columnist David Diano's reply???
