
Friday, April 4, 2008

Fun with Ted and Jane

And then there's Ted's ex-wife.

Guess who she's endorsing for president?

Hint: It ain't the guy who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

CORRECTION: Make that closer to six years.


  1. Add another traitor to B. Hussein Obama's column.

  2. Fonda's endorsement is one everyone could live with out. Why does anyone care what that traitor has to say?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh brother, Dave, give it up. You sound pathetic as you grasp to defend Osama at all cost. You're not very good at it; no one is buying it. I hope your customers don't pay for your "services" if they're anything like what you display here.

    If we are making parallels to Vietnam, then we should note the fact that we lost 60,000 of our boys in that Democrat war, as opposed to the 4000 in Iraq. Heck, when you look at it like that (since the despicable filthy LibDems insist of scorekeeping dead bodies of our brave soldiers) this war doesn't seem that bad at all!

  5. You go to war with the intelligence you have, to coin a phrase. Ours, and the rest of the world's, was mistaken when it came to large quantities of WMD in Iraq.

    What was not a mistake was ridding Iraq and the world of Saddam Hussein and his thuggish regime.

    It was recently revealed that after his capture, he told American investigators he had every intention of restarting his nuclear weapons program within a year if the U.S. had not batted him out of office and into his little cubby hole.

    Too many Americans, like David, remain mellow when it comes to Iran's nuclear program. Israelis are, understandably, less so.

    Somehow, I doubt David would be more enthusiastic about our efforts in Iraq if WMD had been found. He'd just find other grounds to be against them.

    What the hell. Most people go into an argument with the feelings they have, then look for the facts to support those feelings.

    True on both sides, but more true for people like David and Jane Fonda.

  6. Somehow, I doubt David would be more enthusiastic about our efforts in Iraq if WMD had been found. He'd just find other grounds to be against them.

    So true. Blind partisanship can do that to a guy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Don't it just make ya wanta cry, Dave? Weepweepweep...
