
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hearts and Minds and Iraq

Dan Henninger sees a line from Vietnam to Baghdad for Democrats and the anti-war left.

He mentions the anti-war film "Hearts and Minds." I remember it well. I saw it in college.

Writes Henninger:

"Toward the film's end, Daniel Ellsberg, of Pentagon Papers fame, casts off the preceding generation when he tells the camera that Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon all "lied." He adds: "We weren't on the wrong side" in Vietnam. "We are the wrong side."

Obama and Clinton are dangerously close to adopting and conveying the same attitude concerning Iraq. Clinton, to get right with the base of her party; Obama, who knows. Maybe because he believes more the the things his pastor, Jeremaiah Wright, preached than he wants to let on.

In any case, on military matters, the country isn't nearly as far left as the base of the Democratic party. Proof of this is that John McCain leads both Clinton and Obama by 14 points when it comes to his views on handling Iraq.

I am still a bit embarassed to admit that my view of the U.S. military was colored by seeing films like "Hearts and Minds." Through my 20s, I was lightly contemptuous of those who joined the military. I thought such people had been brainwashed. As I got older I realized it wasn't them so much who'd been successfully propagandized, but me.

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