
Thursday, April 3, 2008

"I Don't Take Money from Oil Companies, Just Their Executives"

Then there's this from Neal Boortz.

"Barack Obama is running an ad in Pennsylvania designed to play on the voter's general dissatisfaction with the oil companies. He mentions Exxon's profits but does not mention the profit margin. Then he says "I don't take money from oil companies .... "

"OK .. so that's not a direct lie. He's right. He doesn't take money from oil companies. Either does John McCain. Either does Hillary Clinton. Ditto for all candidates for the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. And why not? Well, Obama hasn't taken any contributions from oil companies because since 1907 it has been illegal for any corporation to make a direct contribution to a federal candidate. So .. let's call BFD on this campaign ad claim.

"But wait! There's more! And you're going to get this without paying shipping and handling. Here are two goodies from

• Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.
• Two of Obama's bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.

Ah ha! A bit of deception there, wouldn't you say? Obama doesn't take money from the oil companies. That would be illegal. But if the top oil company executives want to round up some contributions from friends and employees ...well that's just fine.


  1. OK, my prediction: Dave Diano immediately checks McCain's donor list and find an equal or greater amount by another executive for comparison.

    Rather than divert this one, tell us how Obama should be clear on this one...

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  3. OK, but stick to the point spinzy. Obama states he doesn't take donations from big oil, but he really does.How does he defend his own position in lieu of trying to point to others???

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  5. again...

    • Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.
    • Two of Obama's bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dave,

    Maybe Obama should have said, "I don't money from the top 6 oil companies. Or very much anyway."

  8. That should be...

    "I don't take money from the top 6 oil companies. Or very much anyway."

  9. David,

    Of the six "BIg Oil" companies you listed, only three actually are US companies. Why is a company with a subsidiary located in the US a "special interest?" Especially when the US business of the parent corporation isn't even half of the total business for the company? These "execs" we keep hearing about actually don't reside in the US and any US policy does not effect their individual income.

  10. Spinzy!! LMFAO!!

    Gee, B. Hussein Obama is a liar too. Imagine that.

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  12. David,

    Makes sense. My only argument is a US employee working for BP doesn't really work for "Big Oil" due to the fact that the US segment that rolls into BP consolidated isn't very large compared to the entire company. The "Big Oil" of BP is headquartered and listed on a stock exchange outside of the US. As such, most top execs of BP aren't US citizens, nor do they come to the US often. The top execs of the US sub of BP aren't even at an EVP status of BP and are thus not an executive of "Big Oil."

  13. Give it up, Apologist Dave. Obama's dubious claim is obviously intended to be deceptive.
    Some "change", that.
    So much for all that 'out with old style politics' lie.
