
Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Nation At Risk

"If an unfriendly power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. -- "A Nation At Risk" (1983)

George Will revisits Pat Moynihan's famous report on the state of education in America.

Money Q:

"Released quietly on the Fourth of July weekend, the report concluded that the qualities of the families from which children come to school matter much more than money as predictors of schools' effectiveness. The crucial common denominator of problems of race and class -- fractured families -- would have to be faced.

"But it wasn't. Instead, shopworn panaceas -- larger teacher salaries, smaller class sizes -- were pursued as colleges were reduced to offering remediation to freshmen."

Today, Democrats, like Barack Obama, offer the same shopworn panaceas more as a sop to teachers' unions than to improve educational outcomes.


  1. the qualities of the families from which children come to school matter much more than money as predictors of schools' effectiveness. The crucial common denominator of problems of race and class -- fractured families -- would have to be faced.

    Sure. Everyone knows this. So why does anyone continue to listen to the Libs as they endlessly shift the blame?

    "You can lead a homie to free education but you can't make him learn."

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  4. If you believe in capitalism, then you believe higher teacher salaries will attract and retain better teachers. You can't have it both ways.

  5. Where did your educatiion go wrong then?

    Lol! Gotta love it when a petty Lib goes for the childish cheap shot and fumbles it by misspelling “education” –of all words!- in a discussion about education! Lol…

    (And before you even say it, Dishonest Dave, you well know that I never pick on people’s minor spelling gaffs. Here I am just giving back to you the level of petty you brought. You had it coming to you, ya dope. Let this be yet another lesson to you that I had to teach you.)

    Everyone seems to understand the real causes for education’s “failures” …except Libs because admitting that the blame belongs on the individual and the attitudes in the home would negate their beloved blame shifting and wealth spreading and instead require things like personal responsibility consequences for one’s own actions –things Libs detest.

  6. Diano Edwards:

    If more money thrown at education will solve the problem, why hasn't the billions already spent made a difference? Also, why are inner city schools that are controlled by liberals unable to have high graduation rates?

    Hint: It has little to do with money.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  7. Study after study proves that the quality of education has nothing to do with the amount of money spent in a district. So at what point do we stop listening to the Lib idiots and stop wasting all our cash on a problem that is wrought in the homes and communities and not in the classroom and not correctable by throwing more money at it?

    A good local example is Chester. They ever weep poor and "underprivileged" but in reality, once one factors in the extorted extra funding they get from dishonestly inflating -abusing- their $pecial Ed rolls, they actually spend MORE per student than many successful whiter surrounding suburban districts. And yet they do not have nearly the educational success result to show for all that money wasted as the suburban districts. What's THAT tell you?!
    It's not the money. Stop listening to the Lib liars/excuse makers.

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  9. More excuse from or Resident Apologist.

    I’ll admit that I am sick and tired of Libs dumping my money down that ungrateful black hole when money won’t fix their problems.

    Why don’t you just admit that you will protect and defend those blacks to the end, even of it means forgiving their own self-wrought problems and casting blame and attacking charges on anyone who dares voice the obvious?

  10. Diano Edwards:

    Money isn't the solution in the inner city. There is something else at play. Why is it that all of the money already spent has done little to improve the situtation? Are you suggesting that we just give them unlimited cash? Should we give the inner city politicians more cash so they can try to deliver an education? Should we start paying the students to learn?

    Why do you think that more money is the solution? The same thing can be said for public housing. If I can live in a nice house that is almost 100 years old, why is it that housing projects are torn down and rebuilt every 20-30 years?

    My point is this: At what point do we as a nation start holding people responsible for their own failures?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  11. To Libs? Never. If those failure are black.

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  13. Diano Edwards:

    Most housing projects get pella windows and color coordinated trash cans. They look pretty nice. You mention that they are not properly maintained, but who is at fault? Should the people that live in public housing be required to keep them clean and maintained?

    How much more can be done to give the people who get the benefit of this housing, or the benefit of a free public education?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

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  15. Oh brother. Now he’s blaming the landlords for the ingrates destroying their free housing.
    Did you know that by law all new public housing come equipped with added luxuries like built-in microwaves and central air-conditioning? Yep, so even a great number of hard working folks who can’t afford central air for themselves get to pay for it for the lazy ingrates that ever call them “racists”.

    It’s not my job to pay for the rungs and save them from their self-wrought problems, Dave. That is the Socialist Apologist Liberal mindset. And it is wrong.

  16. Diano Edwards:

    Keep on bashing me based on your perception of my legal skills. You know nothing!

    As for slumlords, there are landlords that don't make repairs to their properties, just like there are people that break and soil their leased premises and they refuse to lift a finger to clean up their own messes. I was speaking more to "public housing" that the poor gets for next to nothing. The taxpayers are the landlords. Is it too much to ask that if you live in public housing that you be responsible for keeping it clean and repaired?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  17. That’s part of the Welfare State mindset that inhibits initiative. People don’t respect things that are handed to them. And why keep your free place nice and clean and repaired when if you destroy it you know whitey will just give you another brand new one with wall-to-wall carpeting and central air?

    We need to put a time limit on how long someone can suck the taxpayer teat and get free housing. Every story I read about public housing has some old lazy ingrate bitching about how bad the conditions have been …for the past 40 years! In that time surely they could have gotten off their couch and helped themselves.

  18. Ron Paul is the answer..
    He is after all,
    Pro Christ - Pro Gun. Care to reply?

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  20. Ho-hum. Same old Apologist Lib skat.
    It’s not about compassion and helping our fellow countrymen during tough times of need. It is about the lazy –terminally “needy”- folks who are content to make living on the public dole a way of life …and Liberal misplaced sympathies that are all too willing to eternally accommodate them with our money.

    And spare the spin. Indeed most of these “needy” folks are black. At least around here where the best example is Chester.
    Cue the Apologist Lib line about how there are more whites on Welfare than blacks. To which I extinguish with the truism that proportionate to their share of society, blacks represent way more of these terminally “needy” folks.

    “America, where our ‘poor’ are fat.”

    But, as always, you know all this. Which makes you not only a blind apologist but a dishonest one just rebarking the same tired old Lib lines.

  21. Randal, you are so on the money about White Guilt in this country. We need to stop screaming "Racism" as if you were yelling Fire! in a crowded theater.

    Pro-Christ, I totally agree with you about the problems in public housing. They all want something for nothing, and then never take responsibility for keeping things tidy.

    Mr. Diano, you have a lot to learn, but liberal folks like yourself always find some lame excuse.

    Here's a short video that explains, in a nutshell, the problems with liberal viewpoints. The video is safe to watch at work

  22. Puff Daddy Diano:

    What on earth are you talking about? Should people who get freebies from he government be required to do anything, like cleaning up after themselves?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  23. That was a funny vid, Rich. You’re right, the Apologist Libs will never abandon protecting and providing for their chosen victims no mater how ungrateful, unworthy and self wrought their problems…
    Besides, if not for their feigned concern how else could the Dems count on the “black vote” every election season?

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  25. You act like no matter where they live they will just mess it up as though they are incapable of anything else.

    Umm, pretty much every public housing complex in urban areas. Uh, yup.

    As for the rest of your apologist weeping, I say blahblahblah. Right, we have nothing to feel guilty about. Exactly. And neither do you. You and your kind are the problem.

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  27. I have made no blatantly racist statements, Dishonest Apologist Dave.

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  29. Uh, yeah. There's no racism there, AD.
    And it's true.
    And, as we have learned (as I have taught you), there is never anything "racist" about the truth.

    (I really thought you'd come up with something better than that. Try the thread about your man Obama having breakfast. It was just a silly jab but should be considered by your apologist brthren as more racist than the non-racist quote you did bring. Ya, know? Lol... Just trying to help.)

  30. "I have made no blatantly racist statements, Dishonest Apologist Dave."


    Media, PA

    Just what we need… Another bitter black thug rapist being showered with riches for playing a child’s game. Here’s betting that this isn’t the last we hear of this boy’s legal troubles.
    “You can take the **** out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the **** no matter how much money you give them, it can’t buy class and civility in a person lacking character.

    I'm a big fan of Randal, but the denial issues he has disturbs me. He should embrace his character, not run from it.

    Say it Randal, "I'm racist and proud!"

  31. Uh, I'm still not seeing any racism. Many folks have been brainwashed to see anything an un-PC-ed white has to say about race or blacks as being "racist". Not at all true, contrary to what the Apologist Daves would have everyone believe.
    As for that specific quote (you really didn't have to bring it from that other board, I have posted similar stuff here) we have seen many times as urban black thugs are rescued from the ghetto by pro sports and rewarded with riches only to return to their ghetto thugging ways. Many, many times. To notice this and comment on it -no matter how indelicately- does not make the speaker "racist".

  32. Puff Daddy Diano:

    Has whitey ever done anything right in your eyes? Your attack on everything that is associated with being white is childish, and it is old. Christianity and white men have done more for minorities than any group in the history of the world.

    Be serious and give all of us what you think is the proper prescription for what ails our nation. Should we give inner city residents unlimited bank accounts? Should we give them local nice towns through eminent domain, like Swarthmore? What are your answers? Also, I bet all the libs in Swarthmore would be very happy to give their properties to the disenfranchised poor. I bet you that the Swarthmore libs would love to live in a ghetto or a housing project so they can feel that other pain you keep talking about.

    As a Mayor I am looking for solutions to create that more perfect union. Please help out!

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  33. Funny true story…

    This Lib idiot girl I know moved into a black neighborhood to embrace the “rich diversity blahblahcrap”. Well, once her house got robbed and her car got broken into and she had to endure taunting racial slurs directed at her from all them diversity folks, it didn’t take long to open her eyes to what those folks are all about.
    Libs love to say that racism is the result of ignorance. They preach this as yet another indictment of whites, as if those who don’t know or understand the black community have something wrong with them and this is why they hold the views they do. But, as I have been saying for some time, racism IS NOT the result of ignorance, no, it is the result of education and familiarity. Just watch the news, or take a drive through West Philly, or go live amongst them for a spell. You’ll get an education, if you survive. Just like my Lib friend who had to learn it first hand before it opened her eyes and caused her to abandon her misguided Lib ways. She’s lucky she didn’t get herself killed embracing all that “rich diversity” and her stupid Libism.

    “Guns don’t kill people, Liberalism does.”

  34. "Christianity and white men have done more for minorities than any group in the history of the world."

    Pro Christ, that is so true. Those darkies should be grateful that White Christian slave traders uprooted their ancestors from their native lands in favor of a productive life on their lands, where all they had to do was work for the rest of their lives. Those thoughtful Christians even gave them room and board.

    Bush's lofty approval ratings are generated by good White Christians such as the esteemed mayor of Rutledge, and my new idol, Randal.
    Rock on gents, we will soon take back control of our country!

  35. Sure. It took a few generations to unfold but the slave trade that landed blacks here from Africa was the best thing to ever happen to black Americans. If not for whitey they would still be in that filthy uncivilized place, eating shrubs and spreading AIDS and raping infants to “cure” themselves of it. Blacks in America today have it better than any other blacks on the planet. And it was the white man who rescued them. And yet the angry ingrates refuse to acknowledge this or thank us, even after years of reparation$.

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  37. Starkey and Peter Puffer Diano:

    Whites weren't the only ones who enslaved man, other ethnic groups have enslaved whites throughout time. It was Christianity that brought to light that slavery was against god's laws, and it was in Europe that Christianity started the change away from enslavement.

    The funny thing that you don't understand is the Christians understand and accept that they are sinners and not worthy of God's grace, and that God sent his son to die for our sins. Christians will never get it right, but Christians do far more for the downtrodden in society than any other group, but you will never see that because you don't believe in God.


    Before you say that my community will be better off without me as the Mayor, please tell everyone on this thread what you do for your community. Do you offer anything? Why don't you move to Rutledge and run against me in the next election. You should be able to win easily.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  38. Of course, Randal would talk about blacks preferring watermelon and not think he was stereotyping either.

    Sure. But it wouldn't be "racist". Is it racist when blacks say whites can't jump or dance?

    “White men can’t jump; black men can’t reason or keep a job. Sounds about fair.”

    Nope, still no racism, just some un-PC silliness.

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  40. And yet I regularly slap you around here with my logic and reason like my little hurt feelings bitch.


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  42. Is someone a little salty? Smarting perhaps?
