
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Waffler

WASHINGTON (AFP-EJP)—-Democratic White House contender Barack Obama could not hide his irritation Monday when asked by a reporter what he thought about former president Jimmy Carter’s meeting with Hamas last week.

“Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” the Illinois senator said as he ate breakfast in Scranton, Pennsylvania, according to MSNBC television pictures.

Pressed again for an answer, he replied: “Just let me eat my waffle.”

That, my friends, is a line that is going to stick.


  1. I would have thought that B. Hussein Obama would be a grits and cornbread guy. Or whatever they eat for breakfast over in Muslim Land.
    Falafels? Camel dung? The blood of Christians?

  2. Wow R, equating grits & cornbread to a muslim? My buddy Robert would be offended by that comment.

  3. Nah, the grits and cornbread alluded to his blackness. The camel dung and other stuff was a shot at his closet Muslimness.
