
Friday, May 23, 2008

Get Thee to a Primatologist

Anthropologist Lionel Tiger doesn't sound as concerned about actions of Texas authorities in taking kids away from a polygamist cult as he does about awfulness of the cult itself.

Money Q:

Those responsible for coping with this astonishing disaster would be well-advised to add a primatologist to the team. The fact is that, despite all the blather about faith and freedom of religion, the men operating the various compounds in question are behaving in virtually the same manner as countless dominant males in countless primate troops observed over the years.

The essence of the case is that the men who control the politics of the group (as well as the hapless women and children who live there) have used junk theology about heaven, hell, paradise and salvation to maintain their unquestioned access to all females of reproductive age (or younger).


  1. That's the reproductive fantasy of any adult male primate.

    And the militant feminists are piling on, indicting men in general -those animals!
    The problem is not the men; the problem is the illegal and disgusting acts that have taken place, perpetrated by individuals.
    Shall we also indict, say, all blacks for the crime culture of urban black males?

    “Hapless women”?? Sure, they’re always the victim of them mean old men… But they could have just left if they didn’t like it there.

  2. cmon "could have just left" is not an option if you have no skills, no money and don't know anything but this. randal, i am guessing you were spawned from such an environment

  3. Deep.

    Get off my leg.
