
Friday, May 9, 2008

Janitor's Rep Trashed by Affirmative Action Officer

A janitor on an Indiana college campus is hauled up on racial harassment charges for reading a book about the Ku Klux Klan.

Incidentally, according to the janitor (who was also a student) the book was anti-Klan and available in the school's library. Just goes to show how nutty university "affirmative action" officers can be. (And see how well-paid too.)


  1. Shrill White Guilt-ridden Apologist Liberals and their bludgeoning political correcting of whites has become full blown anti-free speech. Does anyone think for a minute that if some extremist Apologist like Dave Diano held any power over others that he too wouldn’t abuse it in such a way so as to silence everyone with which he disagrees? He’d have reasonable people like me tossed in jail while giving black racial agitators like Al Sharpton a pass and the favorable misnomer of “civil rights activist”.

    This guy needs a good First Amendment lawyer like Mr. Shields.

    And we need to remove the “Lib” from Liberal Arts and break the stranglehold Libs have in the Education Industry which they abuse like it’s their own private Liberal Indoctrination institution.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. “Affirmative Action Officer”. What a horsecrap Lib made-up position that is.
