
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lieberman and the Left

Former Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman will make no friends on the Democratic Left with this piece. And you know what? He doesn't want to.


  1. Sure, the Left –not just the Far Left but the Left- has all but destroyed the Democrat Party. They have become the Anti-American Party. Also they have drifted (-? Motored? Rocketed?) away from that whole “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country” thing as they have slid us into a near total Socialist welfare state. Dem stalwarts of the past would be ashamed of what their party has become. They must be rolling in their graves.
    Why would any thinking person willfully vote these New Dems more power? Because Bush fumbles the occasional word?

  2. Oh, and Joe Lieb got a face-full taste of the complete lack of loyalty of the Dems, just as the Willies and Ferraros are feeling it today, for failing to march lockstep to their prescribed extremist drumbeat.
    Not much “tolerance” for “diversity” in the LibDem ranks after all. The Repubs truly cast the widest and most accepting and inclusive umbrella. Imagine that, the Lying Left has been lying to us all along. Hmm. That's gonna be tough to spin.

  3. Randal, Joe Lieberman would love nothing more than to drag America into a war with Iran that would result in tens of thousands of American lives, all for his real country, Israel.

    Lieberman is nothing more than a TRAITOR to America.

  4. Doesn't Barrack Hussein Osama have dual citizenship in America and Kenya? Gee, I wonder where his loyalties lie.
